Chapter 5: Destiny

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Athy's POV

4 years had past, and I've spent those four years learning magic with Lucas, and swordsmanship.

Lucas became my bestfriend due to us spending time together while learning magic. I've also learned that I had a talent for swordsmanship. Therefore, I've been battling Felix, and won most of the time.

As for Jeannette and Claude, it's the same as the novel, Claude began to love Jeannette more than his real daughter, the only difference is that now this Athanasia didn't care.
I would occasionally visit Jeannette and have tea with her, my knowledge of the novel made me hesitant to be close to her, so I decided that we should at least be acquainted.


"Ah, so you're telling me I just needed to spread it instead of compressing it, but you kept that from me?!" I hit Lucas.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It was funny seeing you fail."

I hit him once again.

"You bastard!" I said.

"Anyways, I'm leaving, I have tea to attend with Jeannette." I continued.

"You still contact that chimera?"

"She lives in the same property as I do, genius." I said as I walked out.

4 years had been fun with blackie, Lily, Felix, Hannah, Ces, and Lucas. I didn't need anyone else.

I arrived at the emerald palace where Jeannette stayed at for 3 years.

For the 1st year, Claude didn't trust Jeannette, and when he started opening up to her, he gave her the whole emerald palace, whereas I had to stay in the ruby palace.

It didn't matter though, everyone I treasured was in the ruby palace anyway.

"Jettie?" I knocked on her door.

She opened the door to me and said, "Athy!"

Wow she looked so cheerful. It's been a month since we had tea like this.

"Umm, here, sit down, Athy." She said as she led me towards a chair.

"Thank you." I sat down.

"What kind of tea would you like?" She asked.

"Lippe Tea, please." I replied with a smile.

"Alrighty, I'll brew it for you!" She said as she went out.

After a while, she finally came back.

"Here you go." She said as she poured tea for me.

"It smells good, thank you."

She then poured her own, and sat down.

"So, what's new?" I asked her.

"Father gifted me a rose garden!" She exclaimed.

"Oh? For what?" I asked as I get ready to sip the tea.

"He said for being a sweetheart.." She shyly replied.

Woah, how cheesy. I got annoyed.

"H-how about athy?" She then changed the topic.

"Nothing new, I finally learned how to lift things with magic." I said as I did an example. I lifted my tea.

"That's amazing!" She said in awe.

"You're truly amazing Athy!!" She continued.

"I'm flattered. " I said with a smile as i put the tea down.

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