Letter 6

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Dear Angel,

How do you like the idea of biting into warm, crisp fritters between every sip of steaming hot chai? I am sure you would have most probably figured it out already. Yes! The monsoons are here to pay a visit to Mumbai. As I write, a drizzle taps on the windowpane from outside. It is the most beautiful sound I could hear today, Angel.

Also, if you happen to find any crinkles in this letter, then it is the gift of nature that I present to you for always being there for me. You guessed it, the raindrops found a way to reach you. I wish I could enjoy the weather with you, remember when it used to rain there? I used to force you to cook those bhajias and it would be the best time of the year for me when we would cuddle up together in a comforter and enjoy some 90's classics.

I could use that technique to enjoy the moment now but I am sure that your absence will make a big difference. In case you are curious, the movie is Padosan. Does that sound good enough? Anyway, take care of yourself and don't forget to take your medicines on time.

Yours truly, enjoying the weather

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