Letter 1

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Dear Angel,

I never thought that I will do this one day. I can hear the melody of your laughter now, it is ringing in my ears as I write this letter now. You would say that I am exaggerating but honestly, I never understood why e-mails couldn't work just fine for you. Anyway all that aside, here I am now, penning all my emotions down on this paper just as you would like it.

How I wish I could fly you here to Mumbai with me! It is not my fault though, you never left me alone back then and your absence isn't something I can find myself getting accustomed to even in the past two weeks that I have been here for. I think I can understand now why you came up with the idea of writing letters and I can not be more thankful to you for that.

Well, long story short I miss you and your mouth-watering food and so many other things which the time constraints on me would keep me from writing here. Until the next time, take care of yourself. I will be waiting for your reply.

Yours homesick

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