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Lexa's POV

I... can't... feel... a... thing.

I... can't... talk.

I... can't... move.

I... can't... see.

Why?... What's... wrong... with... me?

Clarke's POV

It's been three weeks since the last war ended, and our camp was beginning to look like home. Octavia had the idea to make it have the appearance of when we first landed on earth in the dropship, I admit that it gives me clarity.

Raven had gathered everyone around the fire, like we had done the first night. The only one missing was Madi, but she had offered to watch Lexa while I discussed some things with the group.

Raven: How long has it been since Lexa received treatment?

Clarke: Two weeks. I expect that she'll wake up any day now.

Gaia: That's great, Clarke!

Indra: I am most excited to see Heda.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Murphy stand on his rock. I noticed that I wasn't the only one. He waited until he had everyone's attention, then he took a deep breath.

Murphy: Greetings, school of mini cockroaches. I am your teacher Mr. Cockroach, but you may call me big co-

Emori: John!

Emori had covered his mouth and sheepishly smiled as she pulled him back down from his standing position. Raven had burst out laughing, leading everyone else to follow suit.

Octavia: Let's get down to business, shall we.

After everyone had settled down from Murphy's sudden outburst, Octavia had taken the leader role almost immediately, and I was relieved that everyone had finally stopped depending on me for instructions.

Octavia: Raven have you finished the water filter?

Our water from Sanctum was being used at an increasing pace, and we were in desperate need of new water. that's when Raven had the idea to create a water filter in order to drink from the river. She has been working on it for the past few days, and I've heard many explosions coming from her work tent.

Raven: I would say that it's done, all we have to do is test it. (quickly looks over at Murphy)

Murphy: No. No way am I drinking anything from that nasty river, do you not remember what happened last time when I tried Monty's algae? I was in a COMA... for WEEKS! 

Raven: If it were to happen, I'll personally take care of you.

Murphy: (mumbles) Like I would trust you with my unconscious body.

Raven: Well, someone has to test it, and it can't be anyone with an immature immune system. My estimations say that it's 88% safe to drink.

Murphy: So you're telling us, that there's a 12% chance that it will... what... kill someone?

Raven: I mean death is a possibility, but that is very unlikely. You'll probably just have explosive diarrhea. (pauses, and places a hand on her chin) It depends on how much water you drink.

Murphy: Great! (says with a sarcastic tone) 

Everyone had suddenly gone silent. There was a brief moment of pause before I decided to speak.

Clarke: Okay, so let me get this straight...

Raven: (interrupts) Clarke, you don't do straight.

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