Life is about more than just surviving

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Clarke's POV

I took Madi to the shelter where Lexa was staying, once our tears had dried up. The sun was close to setting, and the way it reflected on the water was beautiful. I wanted to draw its beauty, but instead of leaving a deserted beach on the canvas, I would have liked to add the people who surround me. Our first family photo, I chuckled at the thought. As we entered the small home, Raven had called out for everyone to hear.

Raven: Get your asses to the fire, before I go get you myself!

Clarke: Just a sec, Raven!

Since my attention had been pulled away from Madi, I hadn't realized that she was gone from my side and moved towards Lexa's.

Madi: It's her, isn't it Clarke. (she smiled)

Clarke: You're right Madi, it's her.

Madi: Even though I don't know her like you do Clarke, we still met while I was commander. She was wonderful, a true warrior, and she always reminded me that love was the reason for why I was constantly fighting.

Clarke: I'm glad you got to meet her. Sometimes, back in Shadow valley, you would remind me of her. I saw her confidence, and her determination to protect her people, being passed down to you, Madi. 

She took her gaze off of Lexa and stared up at me. I placed my hand on her head, and smiled. She reminded me so much of you Lexa, she still does. I can't wait for you to wake up, and officially meet her.

Raven: CLARKE!

Clarke: Coming! 

Clarke: Madi, go ahead, I'll be there in a bit. Tell Raven to not get her panties in a twist when I don't show up right away.

Madi: Okay. I'll safe a seat for you Clarke.

Madi left the shelter, but I decided to stay for a bit longer. I looked down at Lexa, and I realized that she still hadn't wavered from her peaceful slumber. I bent down towards her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, I waited for a few moments, but she still laid unconscious, I guess true love's kiss wasn't enough to wake her just yet.

Clarke: I'll to tell you everything when you wake up, so don't keep me waiting too long, okay.

Just before I left, I glanced back at her once more, and smiled. I felt the urge to climb into her bed and hold her against me, to feel her heart beat in sync with mine, but I knew that she wasn't my only family, and I couldn't keep the others waiting.

The sun had completely set, and the only lights that I could see were from the blazing flames. Everyone was sitting around it, chatting amongst themselves. Madi had saved a seat in between herself and Raven, I guess it was a seat, but someone had just rolled giant rocks and made a circle. 

Murphy: Now, look who decided to show up.

He was sitting next to Emori, well, more like cuddling with her.

Clarke: Shut it, Murphy. (jokingly)

Raven: You know, between all the wars, and saving our people. I don't think we've ever sat down together like this, peacefully that is.

Octavia: I guess you're right Raven. It's actually feels nice to not worry about anything anymore. (sighs in relieve)

Indra: Now, we can spend time with our family. (places a hand on Gaia's shoulder)

Clarke: Ya. (looks towards Madi and smiles)

Raven: Hey, Clarke. You never told us how you met Madi.

Clarke: Really?! (sounding shocked) Well, just a warning this is going to be a long story.

Everyone looked at me with their full attention, I guess they all wanted to know. I thought back to when Praimfaya started.

Clarke: It was just after I had gotten the signal to the Ark and I saw that the ship had taken off. I honestly thought that I was going to die when I saw the nuclear clouds speeding towards Becca's lab. I felt the effects of Praimfaya, the radiation had seeped into my skin and the pain was excruciating. But, as quickly as it came, it left.

Raven: It was your blood that saved you wasn't it?

Clarke: You're right. My blood is the reason that I'm alive, it's also the reason that Madi is still alive. (glances over towards Madi) During the months that I was alone, I found the rover hidden under the sand and with it, I visited Arkadia and Polis. I tried to open the bunker, but rubble from the tower had completely covered it. That was the first time that I truly felt alone, knowing that I had to give up on the bunker and my mom.

The memories of my mom played on loop in my mind, I could remember her smile, and her laugh. I could remember how worried she would be whenever I did something reckless. The happy memories were the ones that would stay with me until the end, because that's how I viewed her, not as the alcoholic, but as a kind and loving mother.

Clarke: It was 58 days into Praimfaya, and I was ready to give up. My food supply was hard enough to find, and my water supply had run out. It wasn't until a bird flew above my head, that I realized that I had to have hope. It lead me to a place full of greenery, somewhere that wasn't affected by the nuclear destruction, but unfortunately the radiation had still passed through it. I found the valley in the midst of the greenery, houses, food, and water, were everywhere. That's when I found the bodies in the church.

Madi went stiff under my palm, she still felt sadness for the people in her valley. Her mom was one of the victims.

Clarke: I made a funeral pyre for them, and gave them a warrior's death, "Yu Gonplei Ste Odon". A few days later, when I was doing my daily routine of calling the Ark on my crap radio, I saw a little person standing in the trees.

I looked at Madi, I could tell that she was happy when I finally got to introducing her.

Clarke: So, I got up and started to run after the child. Shouting out questions, in both English and Trig. I tried my best not to scare the child, but I must've, because the next thing I knew was that she lead me right into one of her bear traps. My leg felt like it was on fire, and I fell down in agony. This tiny child, then came at me with a knife, and began stabbing me while I was trapped, yelling "Die, Fleimkepa!", she then realized her mistake when she noticed my blood.

While telling the story I had gotten up and actually re-enacted some of it, with the help of Madi of  course. I think we did a pretty good job, because we suddenly had everyone's full attention.

Clarke: I had to limp back to the church and sew myself up. It was so incredibly painful! I actually said, "Last two people on Earth, one of them happens to be the child from Hell."

Everyone erupted with laughter, only Madi sat quietly with a hurt expression.

Madi: I didn't know you called me that.

Clarke: You lead me into a bear trap, then stole my stuff. I think you qualify for that nickname.

Again, the laughter rose, even Madi joined in. This was probably the first time that I felt truly happy, together with my family. I think that this is what life is about, because I'm not just living for myself, but for everyone that I love. 

This is what I meant when I told Lexa all those years ago, that life is about more than just surviving.

Wow! This is way more than what I usually do. I just had this strong desire to write. I promise that Lexa will wake up soon, and things will start to get interesting. If you have any comments, please don't forget to let me know, and if there is anything you want to change or suggest in future chapters.

(Word Count: 1345)

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