My Family

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Clarke's POV

I took Lexa into my arms, carrying her bridal style towards the camp. I could feel her warm breath against the side of my neck. God, why does she have this effect on me, she's not even awake. I shook my head and took my eyes off of her to watch my step as I descended down the hill of rocks. When I reached the bottom, everyone was already there, each with the biggest smiles on their faces. I felt overjoyed, I'm pretty sure tears had sprung from my eyes once more. I love these guys so much.

Raven: Hey Clarke. (her voice cracking)

I could tell she was trying to hold back her tears, and I wanted to hug her. Raven is the reason that everyone is still alive, and I owe her everything for that.

Clarke: Thank you Raven, for keeping our family alive, for doing what I couldn't.

Raven: You've done enough Clarke, you've kept us alive this far. To be honest, it always felt as if  I was in your debt, so let's just say we're even now.

Clarke: (sobs) Ok.

For a second, I forgot that I was holding Lexa. It was only until Indra had noticed that I was once again aware of her presence.

Indra: Heda?! It can't be possible! She was dead, I heard the horn!

Clarke: You're right, she was dead. I even witnessed her death, so I'm still shocked whenever I look down at her.

Indra: Then, how?

Clarke: During the test, an immortal being appeared and took the form of the person I loved the most. Raven you must know right.

Raven: Clarke's telling the truth. The being took the form of Abby when I did the test.

Clarke: Well, that being appeared to me again just beyond that ridge, she gave me an offer, one that I couldn't refuse.

Octavia: What was the offer?

Clarke: She told me that she could bring one person back, and I had to decide. She said that it wasn't a gift, but a reminder of how powerful she is.

Raven: You chose Lexa. That's why she's here right now, alive.

Clarke: (looked down at the sleeping Lexa, and smiled) Ya. The immortal being took her form, so the choice was made easier when I realized that she chose Lexa's form for a reason.

I noticed that everyone's attention had gone to Lexa. I couldn't really blame them, it's not everyday where someone comes back to life.

Clarke: She's actually getting kinda heavy. Can I place her in one of the completed shelters for now?

Raven: Yes, of course Clarke. Use the one closest to the forest, it's not as hot over there.

Clarke: Great, thanks you guys.

I carried Lexa over to the shelter in the shade. Someone had brought over materials from Sanctum, so the shelters weren't entirely made out of wood and leaves. When I entered the little home, I noticed that the beds were from the palace. They were elevated a bit from the ground, and there was one on either side of the shelter, leaving a space in the middle for access. I placed Lexa on the bed facing towards the forest, and took the cotton blanket that was folded on the end to cover her body. She wasn't naked, but her clothes were the ones she wore just before she died, so I was sure she would become cold instantly. I sat down on the opposite bed, and just looked at her. I loved her before, and my love for her hasn't changed. She was so peaceful, and I was filled with happiness knowing that she could live without war, without loss, and without having to owe anything to her people.

Raven: Clarke, can you come out for a sec?

Clarke: Sure.

I got up, and began walking towards the drapes that were considered the doors, but before I left I took one last glance at Lexa. I smiled at her, then went to meet with Raven.

Clarke: What do you need?

Raven: Madi will be back soon, earlier I sent her to go find some logs and sticks for the fire. I know that you'll want to see her when she returns.

Clarke: (heart began beating faster) Raven, thanks for everything. I know I keep saying that, but I don't know any other way to express my gratitude.

Raven: (hugs Clarke) I love you, Clarke. You are my family, I'll do anything for you, and I know that you would do the same.

I heard rustling in the forest nearby. I let go of Raven and turned to see a small figure coming from the trees.

Raven: It looks like she came earlier than expected. I'll give you two some space.

Raven turned to leave, and I focused my full attention on the figure coming towards us. It was Madi, my baby, she could move. I slowly made my way towards her, my heart beating faster every time I took a step. She saw me then, she stood, as if frozen to the rocky ground, her hands full of sticks. I ran to her, I ran to my baby. She dropped the sticks to her side, and let me embrace her. She collapsed in my arms, her body shaking from her sobs. I held her like I had before, but this time she was alive, this time she was safe.

Clarke: My baby.

I whispered softly in her ear.

Clarke: I love you so much.

Madi: (In between sobs) I... love you...too...Clarke.

I few minutes had passed. I just wanted to hold her forever, never leaving her. She's my child, and I should have protected her, I should have tried harder. Now, she's here, in my arms. I have another chance with her, and I swear to do it right this time.

Clarke: Madi, there's someone that I want you to meet.

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