How will it end for us?

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Author's note:

In this story I added songs that you should play while reading the story (It just makes the story more meaningful, but you don't have to or course), you can find it on Spotify! It's called:

"Unable to let go, unable to run away - playlist"

I got the idea to add songs to the fanfiction from "Under The LED Lights | Ushiten AU", you should definitely go check it out if you haven't already!


*~Play " Anchor" by "Bathing Beach" - Hinata's point of view (POV)~*

Me and Kageyama were closer than ever, we were always with each other: lunch, practice, after practice, breaks, you name it! But lately, Kageyama has been acting a little, off? Everything I asked him about it he would reply with something along the lines of "I am fine" And then change the topic immediately after like he was hiding something. I didn't understand why but I trusted him and decided I was just overreacting. But as time passed, he became more and more distant, he didn't look as happy as he used to and he started to fail all his subjects, it was annoying! But I was also worried! I wasn't the only one, the whole team took notice to what was going on with the black haired boy, but they all secretly hoped it was something he could solve by himself.. But I couldn't sit by and watch, so I decided I would ask Kenma about it, maybe he knows what I should do!

-Hinata: Hi, Kenma! I really need your help

-Kenma: Oh hey Shoyo! Of course, but give me a sec I'm in the middle of a game right now

*~5 minutes later~*

-Kenma: Sorry, what was it that you wanted to tell me?

-Hinata: Oh! Kageyama has been acting weird lately and I don't know what to do! He's been really distant and he often skips practices! What should I do????? ಥ‿ಥ

-Kenma: Did you try asking him about it maybe?

-Hinata: Of course I did, but he keeps ignoring me and changing the subject!

-Kenma: Hmm, I know it might sound crazy and all but you could try to follow him and see what he's been hiding

-Hinata: Ooooo, that's a good idea! But I am so dead if I get caught he'll kill me

-Kenma: I'll kill him before that happens 🔪

I put down my phone on the table next to my school books and stare at the ceiling for a while as I thought "I wonder what he's doing right now... " And slowly I felt my body become heavy as I fell asleep on the warm blanket on my bed thinking about Kageyama, I've been thinking about him a lot lately, I don't understand why but he makes me feel special, but I liked that feeling a lot.

*~Time skip to the next day after school*~

It was the end of class and as I was packing my bag to leave, I saw Kageyama quickly pack his bag, it looked like he was in a hurry, I gave him a confused glare but he didn't notice, "guess he was too busy to pay any attention to me" I thought in a sad sarcastic voice. Finally we got out of school, and I started following Kageyama quietly.
The air was cold, I was wearing a jacket with fur on the inside and an umbrella in my left hand in case it rained, since the clouds were looking kinda puffy and gray, I liked the weather it was calm and relaxing, but I had to focus on Kageyama, this isn't about me, "project stalking Kageyama: On!" As I let out a quiet giggle that only I could hear.
"If I am being honest, I didn't really expect to see anything interesting but I was getting kind if desperate at this point..." I thought to myself as I kept following Kageyama into the neighborhood he lived in. I noticed that Kageyama changed his walking speed, he was walking much slower now, I was confused but decided to go along with it "maybe he's tired" I thought to myself, "but we didn't have After-school volleyball practice today, so why would he be tired..?" I quickly shoved these thought out of my head and put all of my attention on Kageyama. As we got closer to his house, I felt the rain drop slowly, I didn't want to open my umbrella because it would make a lot of noise and I'd get caught which was the last thing I wanted, trust me! Plus, the rain wasn't so bad, it was even a little refreshing. Finally, we were at Kageyama's house, the house was medium sized "Kageyama wasn't rich for sure, but he also wasn't poor" As I was thinking about the house, at the corner of my eye, I noticed something... Kageyama was.. Shaking? I was confused, but mostly worried and concerned... "why would he shake..?" I felt like my belly did a backflip in my stomach. The rain started pouring even stronger on my skin and my clothes were hella wet, the sudden change of mood made me feel like something bad was going to happen... I watched Kageyama slowly and carefully open his house's front door, it seemed like he was trying to desperately be as quiet as possible and it also seemed like he was trying to not anger someone..."maybe I'm just over reacting on this one" I thought to myself, but that didn't change the fact that I was extremely worried.. I checked every part of him, I was 100% sure now, he was terrified.. Every part of his body looked as if it was screaming for help, except for his face... I couldn't see it, he was looking down at the floor and on top of that he used his right hand to cover his face, and used his left to quietly open the door. As I watched him walk into his house I expected something, ANYTHING, but I heard nothing... Just... Silence. It was too quiet, it made me uncomfortable... So I decided to go to the back of his house and spy on them through the window, but at that very moment, every suspicion I had, meant absolutely nothing. I felt it all shatter in my face, it reminded me of the rain that didn't stop falling down, it perfectly resembled how I was feeling at that very moment. I wish I could erase it all, every memory I had of it. Instead, I just stood, unable to stop shaking, I wasn't thinking straight, my mind was running a marathon in my skull. I just stood there... Frozen.. Watching the horrible scene that was happening inside, without moving a muscle, just... Staring...


Author's note:

HOLA! This is my first story ever!!! So try to be nice I'm trying my best lol. Please correct me if I make any mistakes English isn't my first language! Umm so you'll find out next chapter what happened DON'T WORRY I JUST DECIDED THIS WOULD BE SO GREAT ENDING DON'T YOU THINK 😉 ANYWAYS I'll probably upload the next part tomorrow or in a couple of days, I am a very busy person 🕴

Unable to let go, unable to run away | Kagehina AngstWhere stories live. Discover now