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-March 29th 1996-

  With Joey now living with Chandler again and Brianna at Jackson's place I go over to Chandler and Joey's and I knock on the door and Joey answers it seeing my puffy eyes.

Joey:Kat come in.Whats wrong?.

  I hug Joey and cry into his chest as my heart is breaking for the second time in my romance life.

Kat:Sam has to move back to Nashville cause his mom is sick."Sniffles".He had to break up with me.

Joey:Oh Katrina I'm so sorry...Come on in.Lets get you some hot cocoa.My ma says it always helps.

   I nod at Joey and I enter the apartment and sit at the bar table in the kitchen as Joey makes the drink for me.

-April 4th 1996-

   Me,Monica and Rachel are at Central Perk and Phoebe enters carrying video tapes.


Kat:Hey Pheebs whatcha got there?.

Phoebe:Ok Love Story,Brian's Song and Terms of Endearment.

Monica:Wow all you need now is The Killing Fields and some guacamole and you've got yourself a partay.

Phoebe:Yeah I talked to my grandma about the Old Yeller incident and she told me that my mom used to not show us the ends of sad movies to shield us from the pain and sadness.You know before she killed herself.

Chandler and Joey enter.





Monica:Hey.Where is he where's Richard?.Did you ditch him?.

Joey:Yeah right after we stole his lunch money and gave him a wedgie.What's the matter with you he's parking the car.

Monica:So'd you guys have fun?.

Chandler:Your boyfriend is so cool.


Chandler:Yeah he let us drive his Jaguar. Joey for 12 blocks me for 15.

Rachel:Wow he must like you the best.

Joey:Oh what about that thing he did when he tipped the guy who showed us to our seats.You never even saw the money it was like this."With money in palm".Hey Chandler thanks for showing us to our seats.

  Joey shakes Chandler's hand and passes the dollar.

Chandler:You're welcome.Hey Joey thanks for parking the car."Passes dollar back".

Joey:No problem.Hey Chandler

Chandler:I think they get it.


Richard enters.

Chandler:There's the man.


Joey shakes his hand and passes the dollar.

Richard:Hey you're getting better.I'm gonna keep this by the way.

Joey:Ok...He kept my dollar.

-May 4th 1996-

   Me,Ross,Phoebe,Joey and Chandler are sitting at the counter at Moondance Diner as Monica is working.Monica is wearing her costume including big fake breasts.

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