christmas without him (part one)

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A/N : i know it's not christmas anymore but just role with it😭
imagine they're about 22/23 idk, they have a house together and ummm yeah
this is gonna have at least two parts bc it's kinda long so enjoy!


it's christmas eve and it's my first christmas without louis in the 5 years we've been together. i mean i can go without him on a normal week at times although it's difficult, but christmas is a whole other topic. we won't be able to see each other's real life reactions to presents or hug or kiss or dance with each other tipsy around the kitchen still drinking champagne.

louis has gone to la to film a new tv show, he's been there for almost a whole month now but hun being there right not breaks my heart. i'm still stuck in london, not being able to leave my job. i miss him unreal amounts, just him being there. the memory of dropping him off at the airport the last time i saw him or even just walking through the door after work and giving him a hug.

i pour myself a gin and tonic in the kitchen and make my way over to the living room to turn on the fire. sitting on the large sofa, i decided to watch enola holmes, throwing it back to teenage louis, the boy i fell hopelessly in love with.

i keep hoping he's going to turn up anytime soon, like those videos i've seen before where people surprise their loved ones. i didn't feel too lonely now that i had my puppy led beside me but i still wanted more company so i called louis hoping he wasn't busy.

louis : hey how's it going gorgeous
hearing his voice cheered me up so much more than i expected it to.
y/n : hey, not to bad thanks, how's filming going?
louis : eh not to bad, i'm out of it though i really need a nap
y/n : i can tell lou! your voice has gone all raspy
louis : oh my- is it really that obviously?!
he seemed all panicky which made me laugh
y/n : no i just picked it up because it's hot you know
louis : ok ok, i've missed hearing your voice
y/n : you only called me 4 hours ago!
louis : 4 hour hours too long
y/n : i miss you
louis : well i miss you way more
y/n : not possible
louis : fine whatever flows your boat i guess
he said making the both of us laugh even more, he makes me happier than i ever imagined anyone could.
louis : hold on y/n stay on the phone i'm gonna ask the director something
y/n : sure thing
what is he asking? is it about filming? about me? about coming home?
louis : i'm back! so i asked the director if it's possible for me to catch a flight back tomorrow, and he said yes, i really wasn't expecting a yes but i gave it a go
y/n : what?! no way! so you'll be back for boxing day? (the day after christmas incase you're not from the uk)
louis : yes way! yeah i'm sorry i can't make it for tomorrow
y/n : louis i seriously don't care now, as long i get to hold you again
louis : i can't wait, but i better get going if i wanna get stuff done before i leave ok?
y/n : ok go go go!
louis : i love you
y/n : i love you too

as soon as i got off the phone with louis i was crying with excitement and happiness, never in a million years did i think i could feel this amount of joy.

i eventually fell asleep watching tv on the sofa and woke up on christmas morning to knocking at the door. i rubbed my eyes, put on some slippers and made my way to the front door.
"merry christmas!" stood there was all of my family along with louis'.
"we thought we'd come and surprise you with a splash of brunch" louis' mum said.

"wow merry christmas everyone, come in" i say yawning.
"did we really just wake you up y/n" millie laughed as she walked through the door.
"yeah but it's fine i needed to get up anyway".

we finished brunch at around 12pm and louis called me again.

louis : merry christmas baby!
y/n : merry christmas lou, your family are here say hi!
louis : didn't know they were coming round this early
y/n : neither did i
louis : oh gosh- hi everyone!
everyone : merry christmas louis
y/n : louis isn't it like 4am right now?
louis : yeah but i need to get ready and pack for my flight, it's at 9am but i really couldn't sleep.
y/n : you need your sleep you can't be all tired for when you get here
louis : it's fine baby i'll sleep on the plane
y/n : ok then i'll see you whenever i see you i guess
louis : of course! i love youuuuuuuu
y/n : i love you too, bye
i smiled and hung up

"what time did he say his flight was darling?" my mum asked, "oh um at 9am so he still had 5 hours but he couldn't sleep apparently".
"how exciting though, i'm excited to see my brother but more excited to see the two of you back together again!" issie exclaimed. "you and me both issie" i replied.


A/N : i'm going to carry this on in a part two that might come later today or tomorrow!
i'm going back to online school on tuesday so my updates might not be very regular but i'll try my best😽❤️

A/N : i'm going to carry this on in a part two that might come later today or tomorrow!i'm going back to online school on tuesday so my updates might not be very regular but i'll try my best😽❤️

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^^sorry i just love this a bit too much hehe^^

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