How our life begin<3

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Julia-she is a psychiatrist with some of her own drinking.... and smoking.
You could acually call her an alcoholic. You arent really close to her but you both are starting to get a bit closer.

Its around 2am as you are walking to the bathroom but you hear sounds.... like crying coming from Julias room which is right next to yours.You decide to ignore it cause well you dont want to disturb her, so you just go to the bathroom and go back to your room.You lay in your bed but cant fall asleep cause you are thinking about.... Julia. You finally decide to get up and go and check on her.

You knock on her door and as soon as Julia hears you she stops crying.
You just go in and see her sitting on the floor watching the fire place.
*Umm hey.... are you okay? *you say in a low and concerned voice.
*Uhh yeah totaly fine... why wouldnt i be? *she tries to stay calm just to not let you know that she is crying.
*And what are you even doing here? *she looks at you, her mascara is all smudged.
*Well i heard you crying and wanted tho check on you*
*And why would you do that? Its not like we are friends or anything. *she looks confused.
*Well even if we arent close i care about you. You are always listening to everyones problems and i know that being a psychiatrist isnt an easy job, i cant even handle my emotions but you have to handle everyone else's. *
*Oh no its not that hard*she interrupts.
*you know i dont really like being interrupted, as i was saying its not easy so maybe you need someone to talk to? *
*Oh no thats not necessary*
*well if you ever need someone feel free to come to me im always here and i dont care if its even in thee middle of the night,i dont sleep anyways. *you say while giving her a little smile.
*Thankyou y/n i really appreciate it*She smiles back.
*Goodnighty then*you say while walking out her room.
*Goodnight*she says while still smiling at you.

The next evening

You are walking to the bathroom again but this time much later its around 4:30 am as you hear thesame crying from Julias room as yesterday. You go to the bathroom and back to your room,but all you could really think about in the moment was... well Julia. She really needs help and maybe you are the one that might possibly be able to help. You get up and go to her room. You knock first cause well.... privicy but i guess she doesnt hear you, so you knock again and still no answer so you just panic and slowly open the door,you see Julia with a bottle of whiskey and a pack of cigarettes sitting next to the fireplace just as miserable as she was yesterday but now she is also drunk,and i mean really drunk, i bet she couldnt even stand up.
*Julia, you okay? i heard you crying*
*Havent you heard about knocking? *
*Are you serious? I was knocking like ten times and you didnt answer.I got scared and just opened the door. Im sorry*
*Ahh no sweetie its okay, you can sit here... next to me.. of course if you want to. *
*Sure yeah*you say walking next to the fireplace as you sit next to her you say.
*You know whiskey and ciggs are definitely not going to help you*
*Ahh i know but well at the moment they do*she says while pouring anoather glass.
*I know its not really my bussines but i think you shouldnt drink anymore*
*Why? *
*Its bad for you and you have work tomorrow *
*Oh yeah.... well one more cigg and a glass of whiskey and im done*She pors herself anoather glass and lights a cigarette.
*Now give me the bottle and the pack of ciggs*you look at her.
*Okay.. here u go*she sighs.
*Thank... youu*you smile at her.
But why? why do you want to help me? we arent even friends! We dont speak to each other except if we really need to. I always thought you hated me and that its the reason you dont speak to me. *she looks really confused but cute at the same time.
*I want to help you cause i acually care about you even if we don't speak i do care! And i never spoke to you cause i was too scared* you look down emberassed.
*Oh honey why would you be scared of me? *she laughs a little.
*Well i dont know why,i was just too nervous and shy*you start to blush.
*Oh sweetheart its okay there is no need to be scared, look you barged in my room and wasnt scared at all*she slightly laughs.
*To be honest i was scared and i thought something happened to you cause i was repeatedly knocking but you didnt answer*
*Thankyou y/n for caring i will never forget you*she says while taking a cigarette pack out of her purse completely forgetting that you are there.
*Julia.... give me that pack too*you smile.
*Oh yeah totally forgot..... here you go*
You spent a few hours just talking to her before she fell asleep.

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