Sneak Peek! A Lifetime According to Karma Rose - By Rebecca "Red" Sky

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Is your party hat on? Kazoo in hand? This is the Annual Wattpad Block Party after all! I for one am thrilled to be a part of it. *throws confetti*

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Rebecca Sky, I'm most known for my book THE LOVE CURSE, and I got my start writing right here, on Wattpad!  Before Wattpad I was a high school English dropout, and even though I sucked at it, I loved writing. My English teacher told me I was her most creative student—she was referring to my spelling and grammar. But in my defense, I spent my days daydreaming instead of paying attention in class.

Wattpad gave me a safe place to make mistakes and learn and grow. Now just 4.5 years after finding Wattpad, I have two literary agents, have been interviewed by one of the biggest papers in the world, and have some very exciting things coming up this year that I can't wait to share with you all. I owe so much to this site and this phenomenal community. 

         It's impossible to express the extent of my gratitude, but I try to give back wherever I can. One way I do is by co-hosting a weekly twitter chat with 3 top Wattpad writers. We offer free advice on writing and the industry. We also do a monthly read/review/share contest for our readers. If you're interested in either of those I have more info in my profile.

         When I was first asked to come up with a post for the Wattpad Block Party I asked my readers what they'd like me to write about. Being the awesome supportive crew they are, they requested a sneak peak at a project I've been working on for the past year.  So without further ado, here is a random chapter and the blurb from my novel A LIFETIME ACCORDING TO KARMA ROSE.  (Go easy on me, these are unedited and subject to change):


In his clockwork palace, the Father of murderers stews over his dwindling supply of soul powered parts.

And in small town Echo Lake, the daughter of an atheist taxidermist and a Hindu yogi, recovers from the murder of her sister by forming an unlikely friendship with a boy in a coma.

Through the boy she learns that the dead still exist, and that bad souls have been coming back and stealing parts of people's lifetimes—hers included—leaving her with a strange heart shaped clock, that's counting down the hours she has to live.

But because she can see the clock, she can fix it.

To do so she travels to the place bad souls go when they die in search of a replacement part. There she learns that the boy in a coma is somehow involved with the murder of his father, and the Father of all murderers.

They must work together on an adventure of a lifetime, against the enemy of all lifetimes, to find her missing piece, the truth, and possibly a little love.

A tale of blossom and bone,

fear and freedom,

pain and persistence.

Will they find her part? Or will her last second run out?


It's a strange and barbaric thing to measure the dead. And it's an everyday occurrence in my home. I can recite the steps like a well loved recipe—slice open the stomach, slop the entrails into a plastic bucket, then weigh them with a kitchen counter scale. I've seen it done other ways too—meat hooks, rulers, stones, but it's the bucket that measures how many rags you'll need to stuff the insides. This isn't something your average teenage girl should know. I blame my mother's love for eccentric professions, and thanks to her favorite being taxidermy, there's no escaping death. No matter how much I wish I could.

I realized this for the first time when I was eight. A hunter brought Mom a Grizzly to embalm—this was when I also learned it takes a sack of rags for every pound of guts. There were so many buckets worth that Mom used all her supplies and started repurposing items from around the house. According to my mother there's an art to stuffing, even in death it's important to look full. It wasn't until she took our bedding that she finally felt it was enough. Now, somewhere in Washington there's a Grizzly with a My Little Pony sheet in its left arm.

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