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Peter Parker's life was something that he would narrow down to a tragedy. His parents were dead, his uncle was dead, Aunt May had a rough time coping up with grief and financial issues and the constant bullying he was forced to go through was not helping.

It was hectic but being Spiderman had started to become the most important thing in life (after his aunt) and he was fine with it. Every time he stopped a thief or saved a person from being seriously hurt, he heard his uncle's voice loud and clear- "With great power comes great responsibility."

Great responsibility indeed.

But this story is not about Peter Benjamin Parker whose life used have much happiness and love. This is not even the story of how Peter lost that light in his life. No.

This story is about Felicity Jamie Stark and what happened after he fell in love with her when she punched him in the face.

The most amazing meet-cute ever, right?

But to get to the ending- you really need to start from the start.

Peter remembered it like yesterday- the day he met her. It was the first day of sophomore year after his 'trip' to Germany and Peter was waiting at his locker for Ned when a black haired girl walked up to him.

"You're Parker," she declared, her blue eyes analyzing him. He didn't know who she was- Tony Stark's daughter was Tony's Stark's biggest secret.

"I-um-yeah I am," Peter stuttered, surprised that such a pretty girl would even look his way- much less talk to him, "Peter Parker."

Then she punched him.

He had seen the fist come for his face but he couldn't stop her considering there were multiple witnesses who would then start to wonder how that happened to skinny peter.

Holding on to his bleeding nose, he caught the girl's face getting red with anger, attention or both.

She leaned right next to his ear and then whispered, "That's for sending my friend's to jail, Spiderman."

Peter's eyes had flared considering no one should know his secret. He assumed that she might be friends with one of the drug addicts he helped arrest yesterday.

"Who are you?" he snarled in a low voice- making sure none of the student of Midtown High were listening.

"Felicity Stark," she finally answered and Peter noticed how much she looked like her father- except of her eyes, "I am sure it's a pleasure to meet me."

She walked away as Peter watched- oblivious to Ned's cry for help or Flash's taunts.

Over time, Peter had fallen in love with her- hard.

She became his rock when things became hard and she was hers.

Peter had never gotten a chance to grieve all that he had lost- most of all his innocence but she gave him that.

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