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PETER PARKER WAS A SMART GUY, he really was. He was the first in his class at MIT, part of the decathlon team and not to mention, he used to be Tony Stark's personal intern. He had the brains but it's usually said that those with brains find it hard to connect with their heart.

It was probably true.

Peter always felt like he was trapped- especially after he lost his girlfriend. He felt like he was stuck inside his own body, begging to come out and be given a chance to breathe but he never got it.

He changed after her death- and none of it was in a good way. Felicity's body, much like the bodies of most people on the train had disappeared without trace- the only proof of them ever being on the train was the blood scattered everywhere. Enough blood to guarantee death.

For Peter, the first change was leaving his superhero life. He remembered that night when he put his suit in a suitcase, never planning to open it ever again. He had been drunk out of his mind, hallucinating his dead girlfriend as MJ and Ned tried their best to sober him up.

The suit was a reminder of the one thing he couldn't save.

But then, Peter didn't want to forget anything either. He wanted to cherish Felicity but he didn't want to be himself. As you can see, it was a very confusing time.

"Peter!" The boy groaned at the voice of his mentor snapping him away from his thoughts about his dead girlfriend, "You can't keep doing this to me, man. Where did the old Peter go, huh? You can't keep slacking around anymore."

Peter rolled his eyes, "I am doing that best I can, okay? And I am not slacking off. Our stocks are higher than ever!"

"You can't just make a new invention and then disappear for dayS Peter!" Tony tried his best to explain but the boy was having none of it.

"Oh like you did?" Peter rolled his eyes, "Forgive me for doing the same things you do."

Tony sat up, glad to know that their plane was going to land in a few hours, "Look Pete, you already know this okay- I want you to be better than what I was. Wh-What kind of a father will I be if Feli-"

"Don't take her name please," Peter interrupted, his voice surprising vulnerable.

"I miss her too, you know," Tony spoke, his eyes somewhere faraway, "And I know that it would kill her to know what you have become- what I have let you become. Do me a favor son, and let her see us from her place in whatever there comes after death and let her be proud."

Peter sat back on his seat, watching as Tony dozed off, wondering if Felicity would be proud of him.

Probably not.

But then, the dead people don't want anything.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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