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Tony Stark would never admit it but when he first met Pepper- he had detested her.

She was and still is a very fine woman with great morals but she was too organized for the young naïve Stark that he used to be. When Obadiah hired her to work as a personal assistant for him, he had mentally given the strawberry-blonde woman only a week or so before she stormed in his office with a resignation letter. Pepper would force Tony to go to meeting and come to work on time and she would stop his supply of coffee.

She was very persistent and Tony hated it.

She had to be stopped.

And Tony would have done it- gone right into her tiny office beside his and told her that she needed to leave the company's premises in five minutes because Tony Stark got whatever Tony Stark wanted.

It was one of the benefits that came with the heavy crown he carried.

And he would have fired her- would have done it if only he hadn't come home to see Pepper with Felicity.

Ever since he had met the baby he had with a waitress from Vegas named Donna Smoak- he had been in love with the tiny girl he was lucky to call his own daughter. She was only two- her black hair still barely showing and her figure still too tiny but Tony couldn't never marvel enough over the matter over how smart Felicity already was. 

Felicity was the brightest star in his life and he didn't know who he would be if he never had his daughter.

So when he saw Pepper and Felicity together watching 'the little mermaid', he knew that his little daughter had a good role model. God forbid his daughter turned out to be like him.

But something's are just destined to be.

So he didn't fire Pepper.

That's how Felicity found a motherly figure.

When Peter Parker walked into life of the Stark's, Tony was a little wary that this perfect boy- so innocent and smart- will steal Felicity away from him.

He couldn't be more wrong.

While Felicity was like Tony in her smarts and sarcasm, she preferred to stay alone at home and not mix with people she didn't know. She was a rebel, even at the young age of fifteen- always going on about corruption in the government's and stuff.

Her dark hair had been cut short and she even got a tattoo without telling him. Sure it was a picture of the arc reactor that was made right above her heart, but that didn't excuse her behaviour. Tony wasn't sure who was influencing her.

Peter Parker came as an angel in disguise when Felicity was in this phase. Tony had known him for a while as spiderman but apparently he was classmates with Felicity and her best friend MJ.

Talk about small world.

Tony was proud to be one of those who watched Peter break down her walls. His little hacker and the spider boy were really a special couple.

If only it lasted longer.

Morgon was seven years old when it happened. Tony remembered playing monopoly with her and Pepper waiting for Felicity to visit from MIT. Peter was, unfortunately staying on campus that weekend, catching up with all the work he missed when he was being spiderman.

Morgan had been excited all week hoping to meet her big sister. 

Tony had heard her secretly tell Pepper that she needed to tell Felicity about some 'girl gossip'.

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