Chapter Four

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By the time we walked through the door to the bar I was calm and collected. We've done this a million times, I muttered to myself as I made my way to the bar. There was no need to be nervous, luckily, my body had bought into that tiny lie and moved with ease through the people already in various states of intoxicated even though it was still early in the evening. I had neglected to check what time that Marianne would show up so Ty and I had just decided on early.

I quickly located an empty seat that had a clear view of the area through a mirror hanging from the wall. I could watch but not be observed watching. I claimed it as my own and ordered a drink as I watched the crowd through the glass in front of me. Once it arrived I settled in for a long night. I was much more patient waiting this time since we had something to go on and therefore had no issues as the hours began to drift by slowly. I regularly sought out Ty, who had decided that he was just going to mingle with the crowd, and made sure that he was still there and doing okay. 

My wolf would begin to growl every time another female came withing five feet of him, which happened more and more frequently as the time passed. I shifted in my seat and checked my phone the next time she did that, Stop it, he knows he's our mate, I muttered at her as I saw that a little over three ours had passed.

Mine, she grumbled in response. I sighed and set my phone back down.

Again, he knows that very well, chill, She grumbled some more before I felt her settle down and I began scanning the area with a sense of relief at that. I couldn't take her muttering at all times. I found Ty again, over four years had passed since we realized that we were mates, over four years of me getting used to the weirdness of having two and him being younger. I had left for a short time after while he healed and we worked together once he felt better, I couldn't even begin to count how many Rogues we had taken down in that time. I wouldn't doubt the number being over one-hundred. I sighed, adjusting my seat again, no matter how many we took down there was always more, I was getting sick of it at this point. No matter, I would keep working until I couldn't anymore. Just like every other one before me had. 

More time drifted by before the door swung open and caught my attention. Marianne, it had to be. The blurred picture I had of her hardly had begun to show what she truly looked like and the air of confidence that she walked around with. Heads turned when she entered the room, most stayed turned as she mingled with the crowd. I sat up in my seat and watched her, my eye briefly locating Ty to see his reaction. He, too, was tracking her through the bar, eyes slightly wider than usual. 

My wolf growled and snapped me out of the trance and I shook my head. I still hadn't come up with a believable story with which to approach her with. I scrambled to think of anything before noticing her come towards me, people parting as if pushed by an unseen force. She stopped a few feet behind me, staring at my face in the mirror while I stared back. I tried to force myself to think, to do anything, move, flinch, heck, I would have been happy if I could manage a groan. But I did nothing but stare back at her. 

My wolf whimpered slightly, cowering down inside of me, which didn't help me at all. My eyes dropped down to my drink as she sat down beside me, not saying a word. A drink appeared before her although I could swear that she never spoke a word to get one. I risked a glance out of the corner of my eye at her, anything to escape her stare through the glass. 

A pressure began to build in my head, throbbing, burning. I winced and went back to staring at my drink. My wolf loudly whimpering now, unconsciously I began to rub my temple, trying to ease the pain to no avail. In fact, it only worsened. Banging like a drum inside my skull. I closed my eyes and tried to block it out, tried to think of anything but it but it overwhelmed all of my thoughts. 

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