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They all were almost ready to leave.
"So, B is grounded?" Mike asked heading into the bathroom where Stef was combing her hair.
"Yes, the twins were arguing and I felt the need to ground him " Stef said plugging in the straightener.
"B was telling me he thinks it's not fair and I kinda agree" he said shrugging.
"What do you mean it's, 'unfair'? I always try to treat them the same. By the way fairness is more than just being equal, they both respond to things in different ways" she said looking over at Mike,
"True but he said Callie threw something at him. If Brandon had thrown something at her this would be a different situation"

"Dont even try to accuse me of being sexist, we both know Callie has less control when she's emotional, she gets irrational and impulsive

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"Dont even try to accuse me of being sexist, we both know Callie has less control when she's emotional, she gets irrational and impulsive. Brandon has more control" she said shaking her head.
"True I guess, you don't think you were too harsh maybe?"
"No and I'd like to finish getting ready in peace can you check on the twins to make sure they are ready?" Stef said and he left to go check on them. He was angry but felt trying to convince her was never going to end in his favor.
"Oh perfect we're all ready to leave!" Mike said going downstairs and seeing Brandon sitting on the couch next to Callie. They were playing a game on the ipad together and giggling.
They were already getting along again, that was fast,
"Do you like my dress? Ohh this is the new turn I learned in dance" Callie said getting up and spinning around.
"Very cool and yes that dress looks great honey" Mike said sitting down next to them.
"And this is the new belt you got me" Brandon said showing him is belt.
"That looks great! Glad it fits you well" Mike said watching them continue playing the game.
"All ready?!" Stef said coming down the steps, she was wearing dress pants and a blue blouse.

"All ready?!" Stef said coming down the steps, she was wearing dress pants and a blue blouse

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"Yes!" Brandon and Callie both said. They all hurried to the vehicle to go to church and arrived about 15 minutes later.
"I think were a little bit early" Mike said as they all got out of the car.
"Yay so maybe we can buy food" Brandon said looking at Callie,
"Good idea" she said back laughing.
"Mmhmm" Stef said smirking. Mike held on to her hand as they walked in through the main doors, she got out of his grasp after a few long minutes,
"What?" He said confused,
"Oh nothing I'm just gonna go to the restroom, can you buy the kids a snack or something?" She made up and excuse. Truth is, it has been getting harder for her to pretend around Mike. She wondered how she ever made it through the past nearly 10 years of marriage with him.
"Alright, hurry back" Mike said smiling as he led Callie and Brandon to the lounge area to buy something,
"You guys want donuts? Which kinds?" He said looking over the options,
"Ooh can I get this one?" Callie said pointing at one that was white glazed with pink sprinkles.
"And I want this one!" Brandon said pointing at one that was chocolate glazed.
"Sounds like a deal" Mike said patting their head.
They sat inside on one of the couches waiting for Stef.
"Hello?" Stef had answered a phone call in the bathroom stall. She was hiding out in here until she calmed down. Being at the church always made her feel uneasy and gave her anxiety.
"Hello, is this Stef?" The woman said.
"Yes, this is she"
"Hi, it's Lena Adams from Anchor Beach I believe we talked earlier?" The woman said.
"Oh yes! Ms. Adams, is there a problem??" Stef said confused and slightly happy to hear back from the woman she had been thinking about.
"Please, just call me Lena! I actually was calling about some concerns with your child" she said.
"Oh no, what's wrong. Did she do something?" Stef said touching her forehead.
"No, it's actually about your son, Brandon? He seems to be failing a class" Lena said.
"Oh my gosh, which class?"
"It looks like math. He also has a few missing assignments and I was just bringing it to your attention because this can cause him to be held back if he doesn't bring it up" she said which concerned Stef.
"Okay, I will be sure to talk with him about it and try to get that grade up. Thank you"
"You're welcome, feel free to give me a call any time with questions or concerns" Lena said. Stef couldn't see her but she knew she was smiling too.
"Of course, bye" Stef said hanging up. She was upset about Brandon but happy to be in touch with Lena again.
"Wow those donuts look good! Can I have a bite?" Stef said walking back and seeing her kids enjoying their treats.
"Yeah" Callie said handing her the donut,
"Mmm that's delicious" she said taking a bite,
Just then Frank walked in through the doors and up to them,
"Hi, good to see you all again!" He said opening his arms and Callie and Brandon hugged him.
"Oh my goodness look at that beautiful dress, you gotta watch out for this one" Sharon said to Callie nudging Stef.
"Hey, mother, she is 12 let's not" Stef said awkwardly.
"What she's a beautiful young lady she'll have all the boys chasing in no time, oh and look at this handsome young man. Wow and he actually smells good!" Sharon said to Stef about Brandon.
Callie smiled and looked at Brandon trying not to giggle at the exchange.
"They are getting so big. You two better get to work huh" Frank said and Stef laughed,
"What do you mean?"
"They want another sibling dont they? I thought you always said you wanted a big family" Frank said.

 You two better get to work huh" Frank said and Stef laughed, "What do you mean?" "They want another sibling dont they? I thought you always said you wanted a big family" Frank said

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Mike laughed and threw his arm around Stef,
"Well, who knows" he said looking at her smiling.
"Dad, that was in the past. Reality is I don't know if we can afford another one" she awkwardly laughed.
"Alright, I'm just saying" Frank said as they all headed in to find their seats.
Callie and Brandon went to a different room for the middle school service.
"I'll be right back" Frank said about 10 minutes later going back to the main lobby and Mike followed.
"What the hell mother?" Stef said shaking her head.
"Telling my kids their handsome and.. sexualizing them. Also what was with dad saying we should have another kid? That's personal" Stef said irritated.
"I don't see what the big deal is they're almost teens" Sharon said shrugging.
"They just turned 12 last month they are not 'almost teens'"
"Well, I don't know, I wasn't saying it to be offensive. I mean but have you even had the talk with them? Or bought Callie her first bra yet? They're growing up Stef" Sharon said looking at her.
"Oh come on, I spoke with Mike about the talk and he feels they are not ready yet I'm just trying to get everyone on the same page. It's not easy, and of course we haven't bought her a bra yet, she doesn't even need one. We're trying our best ok"
"I don't know about that... You and Mike better get on the same page because he didn't seem to mind the idea of having another kid like you do" she said as Mike and Frank walked back in and took their seats.
Mike wrapped his arm around Stef as the service started. The rest of the service went by quickly and Stef couldn't stop her mind from racing all the way till they got home. She felt like a failure in every possible way. As a wife, mother, and daughter. Her son was failing class, her daughter was struggling as well and she couldn't get on the same page with her husband.
"You okay?" Mike said getting in to bed next to her.
"I'm okay, just tired" she said turning over and closing her eyes.

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