It Takes Time

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Lena called Stef a little while later and she went outside for more privacy to talk.
"Hey, Lena"
"Stef. I wanted to apologize again about today and what happened. I do really like you though, so what do you say about meeting up again soon?"
"I would love to. It's been a while since I have felt this is way. Though, I must warn you that I am not divorced officially yet" Stef said shakily.
"Great, that's not a problem. I understand circumstances can get difficult with the custody and everything. It was difficult for me to agree on dates to have Frankie but now everything is smooth. I promise it gets better. Are you planning on moving out?" Lena said. Her voice was soft and it made Stef feel safe and less alone. It also gave her courage to actually tell Mike she wanted a divorce.
"Actually no plans yet. We still have yet to agree fully on the divorce.. Mike is more reluctant. Honestly I am worried about him being on his own to take care of the kids. He is an alcoholic" Stef didn't know if she was saying too much but she had to talk to someone about this.
"Oh wow. This might be something you'd want to bring up to the divorce attorney"
"I think you're right. I just can't help but feel guilty for my kids. How would they feel about us splitting up? And am I putting them in danger by doing this?" Stef was upset for her children. She knew how hurt they would be, especially Callie.
"Don't beat yourself up over this. You deserve to be happy. You haven't told your kids yet?" Lena was shocked
"Oh uhh no. We want everything to be settled first" Stef lied.
"I'm sure they will understand, Frankie was absolutely distraught at first but the more I explained she was okay. It just takes time" Lena said and Stef could feel her smile through the phone.
"Thanks for all of your kindness. Let's go for dinner next week?"
"I think I would love that. See you then"
They hung up and Stef couldn't hide her happiness as she walked through the door. Though, she knew it was time to tell Mike she wanted a divorce. She was scared to know his reaction but decided it would be best to say when the kids were not home.
It was night time by now and Stef decided to check on her kids. She was not used to the bedrooms being separated yet and neither were the twins.
She knocked on Brandon's door and he opened it. Already dressed in his pajamas.
"I just wanted to say Goodnight my love" Stef opened her arms and Brandon accepted the hug.
She gave him a kiss,
"Goodnight" he said climbing into bed.
"Did you brush your teeth already?" Stef said and Brandon opened his mouth to show her,
Stef laughed at his reaction,
"Okay" stef turned to see the new chair they had put in place of Callie's old bed. The room was starting to look more like Brandon wanted and she was happy they loved their own spaces.
"Can you turn on my lamp?" Brandon asked before she left. She turned around and flipped the switch for his red lava lamp. He seemed to like it on while he slept.
"I love you" Stef said while walking into the bathroom to head to Callie's room.
"Love you" he said before turning around to fall asleep.
"Cal?" She whispered. Callie's lights were already off and she noticed she must have turned them off and climbed into bed already when she heard Stef. She couldn't help but feel like her young daughter was mad at her. Though she didn't quite understand why.
Callie didn't answer and she went up to her bed to see her eyes closed. Her breathing was uneven and Stef knew she was awake.
"Love, I just want to say Goodnight" Stef said moving her hair.
Callie opened her eyes and rolled over,
"Goodnight" she said plainly.
"Are you okay? I know today didn't go exactly as planned but you did so good and we're all so proud of you" Stef tried to make her feel better.
"Yeah" Callie whispered and opened her eyes slightly.
Stef sat next to her and wrapped her up in a cuddle.
She kissed her head.
"Goodnight" she noticed Callie didn't try to hug her back like usual and this hurt her. Did her daughter not love her anymore? What happened that she didn't know? She got up and Callie turned back around to go to sleep.
She sadly walked to her master bedroom to see Mike. Stretched out and taking up almost the entire bed. She felt angry again. She decided to grab her work clothes for the morning and sleep downstairs.
She quietly walked down and made herself a cup of tea before she fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning seemed typical though Stef wasn't able to sleep the entire night. She was thinking of her daughter who was upset with her and Mike who she had to confront about divorce. She also thought about Lena and how she was glad through all this craziness to have her.
Brandon came running downstairs in his school clothes ready for the day.
"Goodmorning how did you sleep?"
"It was great" he said sitting down to eat eggs Stef had placed out.
"Is Callie up?"
"I don't know" he said shrugging as he ate.
About 10 minutes later Callie came down also ready. She walked quietly to the dining table and ate her food.
"Look who's up" Stef laughed and Callie just looked up at her.
"How was sleep?" She continued.
"Good" she loved her mom and didn't want to be mad at her but she felt like she betrayed the family by kissing someone else. Not just someone else, a woman who happened to be their principal. She was mad and feeling extra moody today.
"Morning" Mike said grabbing a cup of coffee. He leaned in to kiss Stef, she turned her head quickly and hit the counter top with her mug.
Brandon flinched at her reaction.
Mike looked at Stef with hurt eyes and raised his eyebrows then put his hand in his pocket and took a sip of coffee with his other.
Stef cleaned up the small mess of coffee she had made and avoided looking at him.
"Wow" he said in between sips.
Stef was mad that he kept trying to make things work and pretend like she didn't tell him she wasn't comfortable being like that with him. She couldn't blame him though, he didn't know the reason.
Callie noticed their awkward exchange and she suddenly lost her appetite.
Brandon finished his breakfast and Stef finally mustered up the courage to look at her kids,
"You barely touched your food" Stef said noticing Callie's full plate.
"I'm not hungry" she said pushing the plate away.
"You sure?" Mike said. She didn't say anything instead she got up and grabbed her backpack.
"Okay, let's go" Stef clapped her hands. Brandon followed along and they headed off to school.
The drive was silent and tense.
"Is everything okay with you and dad?"

 "Is everything okay with you and dad?"

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Brandon said interrupting the quiet. Callie quickly looked back at him with scared eyes. She didn't want to hear the answer.
Stef was shocked, this caused her to grip the steering wheel harder,
"B everything is okay. We are just trying to work things out. Grown up things. I don't want any of you to worry okay?" Stef said reaching out for their hands.
"Okay" Brandon said grabbing it. Callie looked out the window thinking about last night.

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