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<Sorry for the slow updates. I am trying hard to stay motivated. Hope this chapter is good>

They spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying each others company at the park.
"I can't believe you've never been on a roller coaster" Stef laughed as Lena ate a strawberry,
"It's a real fear and what's fun about going 100 miles flipping upside down and screaming for dear life?" Lena laughed
"Oh come on now you're exaggerating" Stef continued laughing.
It was a nice day out and both seemed to have lost track of time.
"Before it gets too late how about we stop at the pet store?" Lena said throwing away their plates and trash.
"Oh my gosh. Looks like we have 20 minutes to do so" Stef said looking down at the time. She turned on her phone and was flooded with notifications and texts. She froze when she saw two missed calls from her dad.
"Is everything okay?" Lena said wrapping her arm around her waist.
"Yeah, let's go to the pet store"


"How is it now that your parents are divorced like mine?" Emma said as they both continued putting beads on a small piece of string. Callie was at Emma's house and Brandon was a few blocks down at Matt's house. They were enjoying the day and having fun.
"I guess it's okay. It is kinda weird seeing my mom and dad not together"
"It was weird at first for me too. Oof who's place do you like better?" Emma said curiously.
"My moms. She's at the house still and my dad is at an apartment and it's kinda small. I have a whole separate wardrobe at both places now and it's frustrating because sometimes I want something of mine that's at the other place" Callie sighed.
"Tell me about it. I had to carry my shoes back and forth. Up until my dad's girlfriend bought me the same pairs for my birthday. So I had them at both places" Emma smiled. Callie was glad to have a friend like Emma to talk to but she couldn't help but feel like their experiences were way different.
She told her about her mom dating Lena the day she found out and Emma was just as shocked.
"So. Do you see Ms. Adam's a lot?" Emma giggled.
"Sometimes" Callie said. To be honest, she was a bit embarrassed about the whole situation.
"Does she stay at your house? Do you eat dinner with her?" Emma was still in disbelief. At this age, seeing teachers, principals, or any staff outside of school was bizarre. Callie knew she was curious but she hated her so many questions.
"Oh my god! Has she tucked you in? Or seen you in pajamas?" Emma giggled.
"No! Stop okay.. I just want to make these bracelets. I don't like to talk about it" Callie said continuing to put beads on her string. A little more aggressively now.
"Geez okay"


"Dude, Talya hasn't even replied to my messages for a few weeks" Brandon said rubbing his forehead. With everything going on he started to neglect school work again including his new girlfriend.
"Maybe she's ghosting you. I don't blame her you haven't even met up with her at her locker or at lunch anymore" Matt said shrugging.
"Probably. I suck at this but she hasn't even asked me what was wrong" Brandon sighed looking at his phone.
"What if she got a new boyfriend?" Matt said gasping.
"No, she can't. That would be cheating" Brandon shook his head nervously. He didn't want this to be the case.
"Call her" Matt suggested.
Brandon didn't like this idea,
"No let's just forget it and keep playing video games" he said grabbing the controller.
Just then Matt grabbed his phone and ran with it,
"HEY!" Brandon yelled running after him.
Matt dialed Talya's number.
"Matt!" Brandon said catching up to him.
"Hello? Brandon?" Talya said on the other line.
"Uh- I- gh" Brandon couldn't say any words and Matt decided to talk for him.
"So, do you still like Brandon? Do you have another boyfriend?" Matt said quickly.
Talya said nothing but they just heard giggling and whispering on the other line then she hung up.
"Oh" Matt said as they stood in silence.
"Now she will for sure hate me and break up with me and it's all your fault" Brandon said upset as he ran to the living room.
He wanted to leave now.


Lena laughed as she carried the small cage into the house.
"You're right I think this was a great idea" Lena said putting the cage down on the floor.
"The kids are gonna love it! I'll go get them soon. Do you have Frankie today?" Stef questioned as she unlocked the cage.
"No but its alright, tomorrow I can bring her over and introduce her to the new addition" she said touching the small blonde french bulldog.
"He looks so cute"
"The most adorable dog" Lena laughed and gave him a kiss.
Stef went over to the kitchen while Lena set up the dogs area. She grabbed her phone and turned it on.
No missed calls and no text messages. Stef was shocked, she thought her dad would for sure call again. Part of her was glad he didn't.
"Is everything okay?"
"I guess so. I think my father is mad and hesitant to speak to me but besides that" Stef said giving a fake laugh.
"I'm so sorry" Lena wrapped her arm around her.
"Anyway, that's not what I'm focusing on today. Let's surprise Callie and Brandon with their new puppy" she turned around to see the new blonde frenchie peeing on their floor.
"Oh noo!" Lena said laughing again.
"I'll save that for the twins. Their first lesson having pets" Stef laughed and rubbed her forehead.
Just then her phone rang,
"Hello?" She said concerned.
"Mommy can you come get me now?" Brandon said. She can hear the tears in his throat.
"Yeah, yup, I was just about to go get you guys. Is everything okay love?"
"It's fine just.. come please"
"Okay, I will be there soon. I'm on my way" Stef said grabbing her keys.

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