A Little Braver 💪

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But now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi

No One's POV

"Hyung, I don't wanna die." Said Haruto while Junkyu was holdng his palm. He was in the verge of crying.

Junkyu's tears won't stop streaming. He felt bad about Haruto. He wished that he could change haruto's place.

"I'm scared, hyung." Haruto's tears fell down from both of his eyes. Junkyu just wiped them before he start talking.

"I'm doing my best to find a donor. Hhmm...? You are not gonna die. I promise. I'll do whatever it takes. I'll always be by your side" Haruto nodded.

They were crying all night while Airi slept on the couch in the same room, the hospital room.

In the morning, Junkyu met the doctor to talk about the surgery. Because of the hard kick he got from the robbery, Haruto's heart were not functioning as it is supposed to be. The doctor said that Haruto needs to do a transplant in 2 days because his heart rate now is too weak.

Junkyu offered himself to be the donor but the doctor refused. Junkyu was consisted and he really wants to do it. The doctor made a deal with him, only if he brings his relative to sign a contract. Junkyu then agreed.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!!!" shouted Jihoon. Junkyu met Jihoon at his apartment.

"Please just hear me out first. Hhmm?" Junkyu tried to calm Jihoon.

"They can't proceed the surgery if I...." Added Junkyu.

"There is nothing to hear. I'm leaving." Said Jihoon.

"Jihoon hyung, please." Junkyu kneeled down.

"Why is it have to be you? We can wait for other donator." Said Jihoon.

"No. the doctor said that it's got to be in two days from now and there is no sign of donator. I can't let Airi be like me. She only has her brother." Said Junkyu.


"So how about me Junkyu? What about me? Don't you think of me? Huh?" said Jihoon.

"I'm sorry, hyung." Junkyu apologized.

"Why are you so selfish?" Jihoon lowered his voice.

"Please, hyung. It's my last wish that I hope you can understand." Said Junkyu.

"No, I don't understand anything you said right now." Jihoon shook his head. Junkyu stood up and hugged Jihoon.

"Do you have to do this?" said Jihoon as he hugged his best friend back with tears dropping on his cheek.

"Please rethink it again, Junkyu, huh? Please? I'm begging you." Added Jihoon.

"No, it's my final decision, hyung." Jihoon tighten his hug to Junkyu. He just can't breathe. He does not want to lose his friend.

"Hyung, come tomorrow to Shinwa Hospital. I'll be waiting for you there." He held Jihoon's shoulder who were shaking from crying. Then he went home.

Eventually, Jihoon came to the hospital then everything was solved and final. Junkyu will be operated tomorrow morning. Junkyu visited his mom in the afternoon, she was buried in Jeju island.

"Mom, it's Junkyu."

"How are you, mom?"

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"How are you, mom?"

"I'm sorry if I didn't visit you often."

"But I guess we'll meet soon."

"My decision is final and also I've met the doctor with Jihoon."

"It was hard to convince Jihoon at first but you know that he has the softest heart too, like you."

Junkyu bowed at his mother's grave. He put the prettiest flower on the grave and leaves again to Seoul.

Junkyu's POV

"Haruyaaa..." I held Haruto's hand gently, afraid of waking him up. He is already exhausted with a weak heart, I don't want to wake him up now.

"I've met my mom today. I haven't been a good son lately since I'm very busy being happy with you and Airi" I smiled looking at him sleeping peacefully.

"But hey... I think my decision will make her proud of me. Don't you think?" I cried while closing my mouth with my shoulder.

"Haruyaa.. You know that I'm proud of you, right? You took care of Airi while your parents just left you." I caressed his hair gently while smiling.

"I'm happy that I can help you. I don't want Airi to lose an important person in her life. I'm sorry that our future aren't going as we planned" I don't want her sister to feel the same like how I feel when I lost my mom.

"I get a little braver now, Haruto. You don't know how I was so terrified when I know about my mother's sickness but now I can understand her. Death will be meaningful if you give your heart away to someone who needed it, someone you love."

I kissed his forehead for a few seconds, closed my eyes and my tears drop. 'I love you, Haruto'.

His mouth was covered with hospital equipment, which gave him air to breathe, to live. Now I'm giving you my heart also to live.

"Oppa" someone pulled my coat from behind. It was Airi. I startled then wiped my tears quickly afraid she saw me crying.

"Hey, sweety. Why are you up?" I held her up. She rubbed her eyes.

"Are you going somewhere?" she asked me innocently. I hope she didn't hear anything that I said to Haruto.

"Did you listen to what I said to Haruto oppa?" I wished she didn't. She shook her head. Thank God that she didn't hear it.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I was wishing him the best for his operation tomorrow." I smiled at her.

"Won't you be here tomorrow with us, Junkyu oppa?" I was startled to hear her question. I didn't realized that my tears dropped again.

"Don't cry, why are you crying?" she wiped my tears and the second later she cried too. Afraid that Haruto will hear us, I walked a bit far from Haruto.

I open the curtain and the night view of Seoul was really beautiful that night.

"Airiyaa, do you look at that building over there? Behind that building, there is an island called Jeju Island." She nodded as she wiped her own tears.

"Oppa will meet someone important there tomorrow so I won't be here with you but after Haruto's surgery, I'll be back. I promise." I gave her my pinky finger and she sealed it with her little thumb. 'I'm sorry, Airi. I'd to lie.'

"Junkyu oppa, I'm sleepy." She buried her head on my shoulder.

"Yes, you better sleep now, Airi."

"Airi?" as I patted her back.

"Yes, oppa?" she barely answered.

"I love you, Airi." I said to her as I kissed her head.

"I love you, too oppa, be back soon, ok?" she said as she fall asleep in my arms.

I'm not gonna say much.
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