~ Chapter 59 ~

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"You don't struggle in science," Mia reassures, "You just need to make up a few tests,"

"I scheduled the make up tests,"

"Is that what you're doing after school today?"

"No, I have to make up a lab," I groan.

"Whew, I can't help you study. There is a specific reason why I decided to take psycholo-"

Mia cuts her sentence short to shift her eyes away from me for a moment. She didn't even have to say anything I automatically knew what caught her attention. We sat in the library next to the large windows as we often do. Our teacher let us roam around the school for research.

I heard the roar of the motorcycle as he pulled up. I didn't need anything else to know who had just arrived at school. It made my stomach drop. The thought of seeing him in person again was nauseating. I've been lucky that my path hasn't crossed his. Luck is an excuse; the truth is as soon as I pull into the student parking lot, I look for his bike. As soon as I leave the classroom, I look for his tousled dark hair.

I give her a tight smile. My throat suddenly closing up.

"I'm sorry, Victoria,"

"It's okay, it's not like we dated or anything,"

"Relationships are hard, huh?" She gives me a soft frown.

I chuckle softly, I wouldn't know. "Yeah, they are."


God bless the bell

In classic Mia fashion, she smiles and changes the subject. We pack out things and begin to head out of the library to our last class of the day. It's almost impossible for me not to turn around and look at him when I know he's in seeing distance. I think I feel his eyes on me, but it very well may be my heart making it up.

I want him to look at me.

I want him to shoot me longing looks when I'm not paying attention.

In a room full of people I want him to only search for my eyes.

I make the mistake of glancing over my shoulder as I stand up. It wasn't hard to connect with grey eyes at all. It was like they were inviting me. I made up for my mistake by turning quickly, pushing any emotion that was stirred up, down. Heat crept from my neck to the back of my eyes, all the meanwhile, I'm trying to keep a level conversation going with Mia.

He doesn't care - I have to remind myself. Out of all things I need to worry about right now, he needs to be the last thing on my mind.

"-Brigette Devoue is such a talented writer, you should read one of her stories-"


Smiling at Mrs. Right, I prep for the lab. I absolutely love Marine biology. This was the class that got me into enjoying science. If I had a choice in my career I would choose to work at an aquarium or travel abroad and study different ocean creatures.

However, I'm not too great of a swimmer so maybe it's for the best.

This lab isn't going to be very hard. The only reason I have to even make it up is that I need to write a lab report on it. It's called the shark buoyancy lab and the purpose of it is to show us how sharks float and move in the water.

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