~ Chapter 4 ~

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"So do you, just like, not go to class?"

I roll my eyes, but nevertheless, walk over to where he stood.

"If I was in class, then I couldn't be your knight in shining armor." He smirks playfully at me, pushing off the bike to stand fully on both feet.

"More like bad boy in shining leather." 

I take note of the classic black leather jacket he had on. On any other person, I would've eye-rolled at such a cliché outfit choice. Axel just made it looks so good. 

He sported a plain black tee under the jacket and some dark jeans. Simple, yet breathtaking. He'd now shown me that he can look dazzling in any aesthetic. Seeing as yesterday he wore a sweatshirt and jeans.

He chuckles, "So you riding or not?"

I look again at his gorgeous motorcycle. It reminds me of how upset I was when my father said I couldn't have one. I would've bought it myself, but that wouldn't look good for my father's campaign so it's never been an option. I can only imagine the way she purrs.

"Scared? It's just a-"

"Deluxe, I know," I cut him off. I probably know more about this bike than he does. "She's so pretty." 

I circle the bike. He took very good care of the bike. That internally made me happy.

"Here." He hands me a black helmet from the seat compartment of the bike.

I remember where we are. I remember who I am. I've already made my father upset about being late. I can only imagine what he would do if he found out I skipped.

However, I'm also furious, he controls every aspect of my life. The one time I do something outside of his schedule, he blows up on me. I am not my mother. I might put up with his shit, but I sure as hell won't make it easy for him.

"Is the goodie-two-shoes part of you starting to have it's way?" Axel taunts.

This wasn't peer pressure. I truly did not give a fuck about what Axel Stone thought of me. I was spiteful, craving for something selfish.

"No, I was wondering if I could drive?"


He, in fact, did not let me drive.

It's okay though, riding on the luxurious bike has made my whole week. Axel was surprisingly very gentle with the ride. He avoided potholes, every once in a while he looked over his shoulder to make sure I was okay. He even asked if the speed was good.

We'd been driving for a long time, not that I noticed, I loved every minute of the ride. I couldn't actually tell you an exact time for how long we'd been on the road. I just can tell that when we left school it was light and when we stopped the sun was on the verge of setting.

"I have to say," He starts, "I'm impressed." Axel gets off the bike holding out a hand to help me off.

"Glad I could impress you." I retort.

He took me to some type of car show. It looked like a scene off of Fast and Furious. Pimped out cars scattered the open dirt area. I looked extremely out of place.

"Where are we?"

Axel doesn't answer, he just takes my hand in his and walks through a large crowd. The crowd seems to move for him. Maybe it was the hard face he had on or the confidence that oozed out of him, but no one would make eye contact with either of us. Axel nodded to a large man in black before walking through a door.

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