~ Chapter 43 ~

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I yelled through the crowd, silently cursing at the people in front of me. Everyone there wanted to see the fight. They craved blood, tears. I couldn't wipe the frown off of my face as I pushed past bodies. Not only was my anxiety growing, but everyone around started to repulse me. Everyone here knew someone was going to go home in a body bag, they just didn't know who.

I finally make it to my boss and Axel.


"Axel, it's a setup!" I cut him off, "Please get out of the ring!"

He looked at me solemnly for a quick second, "You know I can't do that,"

"Yes you can," I plead to him, "Please, we can go home. I'll give you everything I've earned from working, just please, get out of the ring!"

In his eyes, I could see he wanted to. I know he didn't want to fight the man on the other side of the ring. However, he wasn't doing it for him or because he wanted to. He could not and would not leave even though he wanted to.

I look to the guy behind Axel. He didn't even look human. His eyes were bloodshot red as he jumped around on the concrete floor hyping up the crowd.

Axel reaches out to me. "I'm sorry, baby, but I have to,"

I let his stretched hand rest on my cheek for a moment. It sucks when you know something bad is going to happen and you can't do anything about it.

"Axel," I call out once he starts to turn around. "You better beat his ass."

He shoots me one last smirk before the announcer gives them the okay to go.

There was a shift in Axel's demeanor as he took his position. I've seen it before, but it's even more attractive when you see it closer. His jaw clenches and unclenches as he studies the man in front of him. Axel was shirtless, tanned skin seeming to sparkle under the roof lights.

The first punch was thrown by Williams. When his fist collided with Axel's face, even I had to flinch. From then on the fight was in full swing. There didn't seem to be any method in either of their punching.

Axel was holding his own, for every punch he took he landed another. The fight has just started but it feels like it's never going to end. The crowd was surprisingly quiet considering the nature of what they're watching.

I feel everyone is in on something and I'm the only one that doesn't know. The whole scene seems like a setup. The black van Lucas got into can be seen parked on the street below. The pit in the bottom of my stomach just keeps growing.

Damn it, Axel

Axel appeared to be winning. He seemed full of energy, getting his strategy back. For the first time since the fight started, I could breathe. I even began to smile slightly, a few encouraging words leave my mouth. They were quiet but I know Axel heard them as he struggled to keep the side of his lips down.

I was excited, but the movement of the crowd didn't slip by me. From the corner of my eye, I saw the crowd move back and a few selected people move forward. I glance toward Mr. Romano, my boss, to see if he noticed it too. Mr. Romano's eyes were stuck on Axel. He wasn't seeing anything but the fight.

Despite my ego, I look back at VIP. Every single one of them had a critical eye to the men that stepped up. I tried to catch the attention of Athena, almost to say that I see them too. She nods at me.

I look back at the fight. Axel was going in on Williams. He had him on the ground just punching him. Either the large man had to tap out or pass out, that would be the only way to end the fight.

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