~ Chapter 57 ~

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Axel Stone

His name was the first thing on my mind as I sturred in my new bed. It's earlier enough in the morning that there's no sun, but late enough for there to be no moon. I feel empty as I sit up in bed. A soreness lingers in my eyes, the kind that only comes from crying yourself to sleep.

Maybe I dreamt of him; if I did then I don't remember it.

I blink over to my phone. There are many notifications but one stands out. It's a text from my father:

Meeting with the principal at 4:30

Cold and straight to the point. He's always been that way but the coldness differs. Was there ever a happy time with him? Suddenly all memories I've ever had from childhood vanish from my conscience. I haven't been miserable all my life so there must've been- well then again, maybe I have.


I keep my head down as I exit my car and walk into the building side by side with Mia. She holds a light-hearted conversation, which I appreciate her for.

"Okay, but what's your favorite exotic animal?" She smiles, all but skipping down the hallways.


"That's not exotic,"

"Then an exotic raven," I retort back, my lip lifting the slightest.

She catches my smile. She doesn't say anything, but I know she saw it. I love her with all my heart. She deserves a better friend. Someone better than me.

"Self-inflicted? What does that even mean?"

My ear picks up on a conversation as we pass a group of girls. I didn't see who they were and I don't turn to check. I knew it was coming. Small town, new gossip; the only thing people live for around here.

It's not even the talking that gets me, it's the fucking stares. The looks are so bad that I either have to look at Mia or the floor. If my gaze wanders I'll end up making eye contact with someone in the halls.

"I can meet you here and walk you to your next class if you want?" Mia suggests as we stop outside of my first block.

"No need," I hug her tight. "Stay out of trouble."

She winks at me as she leaves. A smile lingers on my face for a moment. Then quickly disappears as I hear Ms. Boucher's voice.

From that moment, the rest of my day went downhill. My usual spot was taken in French and I had to sit in the front of the classroom right next to Lucas Saunters. The whole class was spent trying to decipher some old French poem and ignoring Lucas' advances to talk to me.

Trigonometry was no better. I'd never had a problem with math or my math teacher until today. Apparently, while I was gone they learned an entirely new unit and the unit test happened to be today. He wasn't hasn't the, I've been absent, excuse and made me take it anyway. I bombed it - of course. Just to put the goddamn cherry on top he asks me, in front of the whole class, to stay after the bell and talk about my grades.

I skipped lunch to study for the retake. The library was too crowded for my liking, so I settled for the handicapped stall in the girl's bathroom. The gossip in the bathroom was bustling today; my name being the only thing mentioned.

"I heard the bruises were from her drug-induced psychosis and that's why she ran away."

"I couldn't imagine treating my parents like that, I mean, what a spoiled brat,"

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