Chapter 143 ~ A Day Off

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AN: UNI's been tough, but I'll keep on working hard >_<!!! Hope you guys enjoy this week's update~!!! Please comment your thoughts! I'd like to read them XD!

It has been a few days since Celestine used her dream weaving ability to allow Leon to contact his father. To bridge communication between worlds was an extremely strenuous process that took quite a significant toll on the Goddess as most of her divinity and powers were sealed when she descended to this world.

But, after being cared for so lovingly by her beloved son and future daughters-in-law, she had recovered most of her energy back. But unfortunately, she'd still need a bit more time to recover her divine powers by purifying the mana surrounding her and recover completely.

With regards to Celestine's descent, Aria, Iris, Amaterasu, Altria, and Irene had decided to keep this fact a secret for a while until Celestine settled into her new life here. They wanted Celestine and Leon to have their much needed private mother and son time, proven by how much Celestine has been pampering her beloved son to an excessive degree, for the time being and letting everything settle down first.

When they reveal her presence, Celestine's true identity would also be known only to the royal family Iris's family, Irene's family which included Julia, and Amaterasu's family which is Bestia's royal family and the Divine Fox's first ancestor. After all, they would become one large family in the future. Moreover, the Divine Fox's first ancestor would definitely recognize Celestine, as they were good friends. If Celestine's true identity were only known by Amaterasu's family, it would be unfair to Aria, Iris, and Irene's family.

Both Leon and Celestine agreed to this, and when Celestine heard that Amaterasu was the one who proposed this idea, she showered the little divine fox girl with heavenly head pats and cuddling and brushed her bushy tail and sakura-pink hair all day until she became putty on the couch. Ever since that day, Amaterasu would immediately melt at even the slightest touch of her mother-in-law which was extremely adorable to Celestine.

It was midday and everyone, except for Victoria, Vincent, and Alex, were currently having lunch together in the grand dining hall of Leon's mansion.

Unfortunately, Victoria and Vincent were currently in a meeting to discuss the matter regarding raw materials with Yves and Gerard in Misteltein, while Alex was in the palace with Silverio, working on the dark monster investigation. Irene was also unfortunately unavailable since she's busy with the upcoming reopening of the academy. There were a lot of things she had to do, mostly regarding the security in the academy. Although her workload had decreased considerably after receiving help from Leon, Freya, and Charlotte in creating new barrier enchantments for the main arena and training grounds, she decided to spend more time in the academy to make sure nothing goes wrong.

In their place, however, Amaterasu and Altria would come to visit almost everyday. Since the academy hasn't opened yet, they had plenty of free time, so they decided to spend it all with Leon and the others and also get to know Amaterasu's future mother-in-law and get closer to her.

Celestine ate her lunch with Lux and Noir on her lap, sleeping ever so comfortably. Perhaps due to her presence that soothed everyone around her, regardless of her divinity, or because her scent was extremely similar to their master's, Lux and Noir immediately warmed up to her. Then, when they were subjected to Celestine's heavenly petting which could even make Amenominakanushi and Inari melt in her lap, they immediately fell in love with her and wouldn't leave her side except for anyone else except Leon.

As she ate, Celestine noticed Amaterasu stealing glances at her as she fidgeted in her seat.

"Is there something wrong, Amaterasu~?"

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