Chapter 126.1 ~ Team Match

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AN: Hey guys~! Hope you guys have a great day and week ahead of you~!!!!! If you don't, then I hope this helps :D Off to the chapter we gooooo~!

The match between Class 3 and Class 5 had started.

""Oh earth, be my shield and protect my comrades. Earth Shield!! ""

"Oh water, heed my command! Be my blade and pierce through all that stands before me! Water Lance!!!"

Class 3's two earth mages in front both erected an elementary defensive earth spell in unison. The <<Earth Shield>> was the strongest defensive spell amongst elementary ranked spells, thus they were perfect for a quick defensive maneuver as they do not require a long chant. Still, being able to erect such a 2-meter tall earthen wall in such a short chant speaks very well of the two students' skills.

However, the skill and talent in magic that Aqua displayed with her spell were far beyond the two earth mages. With a short two-line chant, she was able to conjure 3 water lances, each of which was around 2 meters long.

Seeing that many water lances of that size, the students of class 5 became flustered and started firing their spells one after another. However, none of them were able to destroy the <<Earth Shield>> that spans across quite a distance in front Aqua and the others. Meanwhile, as to protect his team from the incoming water lances, the student with affinity to earth erected an earthen wall. However, it was only two-thirds of Class 3's wall's height.

Such a wall proved to be useless against Aqua's spell as all her lances pierced through the earthen wall easily, shattering it into pieces, and hit the ground below Class 5. A loud boom echoed through the arena and clouds of dust were lifted up, hiding the condition of Class 5 in it.

When the clouds of dust finally settled down, the student with affinity to earth seemed to be knocked back the furthest as he received the brunt of the impact, while the others were also knocked back to different directions from the impact.

On the ground, three craters were apparent for everyone's eyes to see.

This was Class 3's strategy. The nature of Class 5's formation didn't allow much mobility. Their formation was similar to a standard war formation where vanguards with heavy shields stood in front, protecting mages and archers in the back. Although difficult to break through, they sacrifice their mobility. Thus, if Class 3 attacked them, they will be forced to stand their ground and defend against it while trying to rain down spells to disrupt Class 3's attacks.

That is the reason why Class 3 immediately formed an earthen wall the moment the match started. They were aware that the time Aqua needed to cast her spell would just be as short as the time needed for them to cast <<Earth Shield>> and that they wouldn't have to cast it immediately. However, the <<Earth Shield>> was simply cast to put Class 5 into disarray.

The first instinct those who were inexperienced in real battle usually have when there was a wall protecting a mage that is about to fire their spell at them was to destroy the wall and disrupt the casting. That is what Class 3 wanted Class 5 to do. In addition to the nature of their formation, their inexperience, and the panic they felt when 3 large water lances were directed right at them, they lost their calmness and the ability to think clearly, causing them to instinctively try to destroy the wall and attack Aqua rather than dodging the spell.

Grandeur Fantasia 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें