Chapter 123.1 ~ Elimination Rounds Day 1 (3)

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AN: Hey guys~!!! I'm still here~!!! Grandeur Fantasia isn't over XD! I just had to make a separate story since I've reach the max number of parts in the first one. No changes whatsoever~!!!

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! 

PS. I'm super shocked when I couldn't add a chapter last Wednesday since I've reached the max number of parts XD It has been so long huh~? Thank you very much for all the support all this time~!!! Love you all~!!!

Amaterasu walked nervously towards the training ground. It was time for her match.

She was confident in her abilities, especially after she was trained by Leon, and despite having received encouragement from her teammates she couldn't help but be nervous at her first public competition ever.

She rubbed her hands together in front of her flat belly as her fox ears and tail moved nervously. But then, she suddenly felt a warm hand on her shoulders, making her flinch in surprise.

"Everything will be okay, Ms. Amaterasu. Your magic and strength have improved greatly over these few months. There is nothing for you to be worried about."

Just like a calming wave, his voice easily washed away her nervousness and anxiousness, replacing it with warmth and courage.

After the talk she had with Freya, Lily, Vyra, Aria, and Iris about Leon, she couldn't help but feel very conscious of him. But now, although there were still obstacles she'd had to overcome to be with him, she had started to accept this feeling.

She loved his voice, his touch, and especially his scent, though the last one was super confidential. She already told Altria about the first two and her feelings towards Leon, but she couldn't bring herself to say that she loves his scent. After all, as a princess, it would be too inappropriate for her to say, needless to say embarrassing.

But in her mind, she had fantasized about it on multiple occasions. Just by being near him and catching a whiff of his scent could make her feel very warm, comfortable, happy, yet also nervous and embarrassed. It was a very special scent to her, and now, his scent was helping her calm down.

"Y-Yes... Thank you very much, Mr. Leon."

She replied shyly with an apparent blush on her cheeks.

Leon noticed that although she seemed to have calmed down a great deal, there was still something that's making her nervous when she glanced at her. Her face was flushed and she was still fidgeting her hands. Though this time, she seemed to be trying to hide it from him.

Although she's flushed, Leon knew that she wasn't sick, meaning this competition was just making her very nervous. At this point, he's worried that she might not be able to focus and perform.

Leon's lips curled into a small frown of concern and decided to help her.

"Ms. Amaterasu."


"I've heard that you are skilled in designing a Kimono. You designed the Kimono you usually wear, am I correct?"

"E-Eh?! How did you know, Mr. Leon?"

"I've heard it from Ms. Altria. Freya, Lily, myself, and especially Vyra have been quite interested in it ever since we saw you wearing it when you visited our abode."

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