Chapter 220 ~ Training on Both Sides

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Early the next morning.

Two petite demon lords suddenly came to his room, one of them fussing him to make them a fur coat each, just like the one he gave Lilith the other night.

He was awakened abruptly by their shaking, and the first thing he saw upon his awakening was Aura's excited face and Vivian's blushing expression. Both of them were on his bed, each of them straddling his arms as they pressed on his chest.

It was the most baffling awakening he had ever experienced, and that is after considering him waking up to Charlotte laying on top of him on her stomach and sucking on his neck.

After asking them why they wanted it so suddenly, they told him that Lilith was boasting about the fur coat and making them jealous. So they wanted one as well.

Looking at their eyes filled with excitement that reminded him of Charlotte when she's excited to buy cakes, he couldn't very well deny their request.

(He already had the arachne silk and the things he needed, so all he needed to do was sew them together. Spent the entire morning making them the fur coat, and finished both before lunch.

The two immediately wore them and became very happy. Then, they began sniffing it, before giggling at each other.

After he gave it to them, Lisa came to him and told him that lunch was ready. The three went together, but Vivian and Aura were still wearing the fur coat and refused to take it off.

Celestine, Freya, and everyone who had gathered for lunch all turned to them in surprise.

Then Freya, Lily, Vyra, and Lilith began to giggle.

Their gigglings made Celestine realize the reason as well, and she let out a small sigh.

Leon, Mia, and the others looked at them confused.

Mia asked them why they're giggling, and why are Aura and Vivian wearing a thick fur coat in the middle of the day?

"Ufufufu~ It's because I boasted about the fur coat I received from Leon last night~ It seems they got very jealous, and asked him to make one for them as well~"

"Oooh...Wait, does that mean you spent the entire morning making those two from scratch?" (Mia)

"I did. These two woke me up very early in the morning to make them these fur coats. I had no choice."

Leon shrugged and smiled helplessly. He really couldn't deny their request this morning. But now, he's glad he did it after seeing their smiles.

Mia and Rafael looked at him with widened eyes, and then sighed. This habit of going so far and beyond for those he cared about seems to include the two petite demon lords as well now.

Charlotte suddenly sat up from her seat, and trotted towards Leon. Then, she threw herself into his embrace, pressing her face to his abdomen and wrapping her arms around him.

"Hm? What's wrong, Charlotte?"

Leon petted her head softly with one hand as he wrapped his other arm around her.

She looked up, her eyes staring straight into his eyes, and smiled ever so brightly. Then, she buried her face to his stomach once again and rubbed her cheeks against him.

"Nothing... Can we sleep together, tonight?"

"Even if I tell you no, you would still sneak into my bed, right?"


Leon smiled helplessly and sneaked a glance at Freya, Lily, Vyra, as well as Jeanne who all nodded in unison. Jeanne wasn't at the stage where she could sleep in the same bed as Leon. After all, even hugging would still turn her legs into jelly, so Leon didn't intend on pushing her limits in terms of intimacy.

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