Part 4- Rewritten

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After I left the hallway I called my mom to pick me up early making up the excuse that I couldn't keep any food down, and as my luck would have it the next morning I woke up actually unable to keep any food down. On top of that Jace somehow got my number and has been messaging my phone non stop. I decided to send him a message that said something along the lines of 'my doctors appointment is this Friday at 3:45pm. The address is 605 country lane Miami, Florida 33111. Come if you want.' Than I muted the rest of his messages. Today is my third day home because I feel like crap and tomorrow is my doctors appointment. The only thing I am actually looking forward to is Nara who is coming over after school to bring me a tub of ice cream since I'm craving it so bad I would kill for it right now.

Every night I've been speaking to Nara on the phone about how petrified I am and about all my worries. I asked her things like what if I'm a bad mother? What if my daughter doesn't have a dad just like I don't?  What if I have a miscarry? So many thoughts have been spinning through my head  at once to where it is almost impossible for me to think straight. If it wasn't for my mom or Nara I would've lost my mind by now. Nara has been filling my head with words of kindness and than telling me funny jokes which gives me a great distraction from my own thoughts. My mom has been reminding me constantly that she loves me and is here for me no matter what. I would say I'm lucky to have such a great support system.

"Hey girl!" Nara screams barging through my room in the most loudest manner she can causing me to almost have a heart attack.

"You know I would still of noticed you if you would just of calmly knocked on my door." I raise an eyebrow at her while sitting up in my bed trying to calm my racing heart.

"Now you know 'calm' is not part of my vocabulary. Plus that's not as fun as coming in and raising hell."

I shake my head at the crazy girl holding in a laugh. She's my best friend for a reason and one of those reasons is because she keeps things entertaining and fun.

"So I have your Ice cream downstairs, but I suggest you put yourself together some before we go down there."

I look at her with a confused face not understanding why I need to get dressed up just to go down stairs in my own house. I drag my self out of my bed with a small frown as I raise my eyebrow at her. Its my way of asking 'why?'

"You've been laying in bed for three days now probably not even bothering to change your clothes so don't look at me like that."

"Actually I have changed my clothes. I would never wear the same underwear three days straight." I say as my face scrunches up at the thought.

"Well I don't care your hair looks a mess and your clothes are wrinkled so go get changed." I grown knowing that she won't shut up until she gets her way and I really don't feel up to arguing about it so my as well just do as she says.

I go into my bathroom that connects to my room and I brush out my straight hair making sure to get any tangles out of it before using a little bit of hair spray to tame any flyaways. I look in the mirror at my face noticing I don't look too good. With a frown I put on some moisturizer and than mascara trying to make myself appear alive before stepping out the bathroom. I than pull on the clothes Nara has set on the bed for me while rolling my eyes. Thankfully its nothing too dressy. Its just a pair of black high waisted leggings with a white crop top.

I than follow her down the steps. As I'm holding on to the railing I start feeling a little dizzy. I'm only about a month and a half pregnant, but its already kicking me in the ass. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I stare wide eyed at the people who are sitting on my living room couch. Tyler, Mark, Jace, and for some reason, Marie. With a glare I turn to face Nara.

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