Being Civilized

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   I open up the door a little bit more and step aside "come in" is my only response before he walks into my room and I shut and lock my door. I dont need anyone interrupting us, especially because if he falls out the window I'm claiming he tripped and fell if you get what I mean. 

I watch as he sits on the opposite end of my bed and just stares at me. I cork an eyebrow at him and give him the 'are you stupid' look.

"Uh, I thought you came up here to talk, not to stare at me like I killed your parents."

Jace shakes his head snapping his blue/green eyes away from my light brown ones before opening his mouth to speak.

"Right, sorry. I came here to apologize. I know if you weren't drunk what happened between us-" he uses his fingers to point back and forth between the both of us- "would had never of happened. I know you're not that kind of girl and I understand why you are mad. I know you wanted to save it for someone special. Someone who loves and cherishes you. You have every right to be mad or sad or any other emotion you may be feeling. If I could I would take back what I did today just like I would take back what I said three years ago. I hurt you, and I'm sorry for that. You meant, and still do, a lot to me. Whether you like it or not I will always care for you even if I may act like I dont. Did you ever wonder why no guys ever tried to play you or get in your pants?"

I look at him curiously. Yeah, no guy never really did try anything with me, but I always thought it was because they found me boring.

"It was because of me. I dont like seeing you hurt, and that time I saw you hurt the most broke me apart especially because it was me who caused you the pain. At first I was mad. Mad because you loved me when you could do so much better. I was mad because I could never be the guy you would want me to be. I was mad because I knew that I liked you and that I hurt you. I was mad because I didn't and still dont understand the meaning of love, but what I do understand is not one girl could ever make me feel the way you made me feel. That's why I started it. I was scared and still am."

What? What is he saying? That he's scared of loving me? He's scared of hurting me? All these thoughts are running through my head and I can barley see.

I slowly lift my head up to look at him.

"What are you saying?"

"That's the thing, I dont know what I'm saying! My heart tells me on thing, but my brain tells me another."

"What does your brain say?" I ask as he stands up and walks over towards me.

"That I will only hurt you and you're too good for me." By this time he is leaning over me, so close I can feel his breathe fanning my lips

"And what does your heart say?"

"That I love you and no other guy will ever be able to have you. That you are mine." And with that his lips land on mine.

My head starts to spin and I feel a little dizzy. Millions of emotions spin through my body as my heart practically leaps out of my chest. Before I know it my hands finds their ways to his head ever tho my brain is telling me to pull away, but my body has a mind of its own. All the old raw emotions from back when I was a naive thirteen year old come spilling back into my as a wave of emotions smack me right in my chest hard.

I dont really know what's going to happen after this, but what I do know is that he kissed me, I'm kissing back and we are both sobber.

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