The Date part 1

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A/N: Before I start I would like to mention two books I've recently read that deserve wayyyyy more reads and votes and I think you guys should check em out. Everybody deserves a chance. The first book was Can You Be What I Need and its basically about a girl who's dad use to abuse her until her and  her mom escaped him. Her mom doesn't  have a stable job so theyre constantly moving and she usually doesn't get a chance to make friends. But this time she meets a hot neighbor who's super sweet and maybe the person she needs in her life to make her happy. This story is by Fire_Work65. Next is another awesome book that is written like a play and I find very realistic.  Its called Loverdose by YvngGoddess and its about this girl who has an ex boyfriend who is still in love with her even though she gots a new boyfriend and no matter how much she tries to forget about her ex, she can't, and he will do anything to win her back. Talk about a lovers quarrel.   Also sorry, I'm terrible at summaries





"Okay, how about this one?" I ask doing a spin for Marie, Nara and my mom in the strapless white shirt and a long pink skirt with a slit on the side that ran to mid thigh.

"Ummm no, that's more for a dinner date. Next," Nara says as I change my clothes for the 53 time. No really, that's how manu things I tried on so far. Its suppose to be a suprised date and the only information he gave me was to wear a bathing suit.  For some reason I feel like this date will be total and utterly cliche.  Looking through my clothes I decide to try a high low white dress with thick zig zag print, buttons down tue front and a brown belt a long with a pair of brown wedges. 

As I come out my mom gasps, putting a hand over her mouth as Nara and Marie clap.

"My baby looks so pretty."

"So casual yet stunning, nice." Nara chimes in

"That's the one." Marie says with a cheerie voice, probalu happy this nightmares over.

"So, what bathing suit are you going to wear?" Asks Nara with a quizical look. I throw her a smile before turning around to my drawer and pulking out a casual black hole piece.

"Ew, what are you think?" Marie asks scrunching up her nose at it.

"I agree. Honey you are skinny so embrass your gorgeous body and wear a cute two piece and not.... that." Nara agress as her voice becomes one of distaste.

"I agree with your friends on this one. Your not a nun." My mom says, pushing a piece of light sandy brown hair out of her face.

With an eye role I put the bathing suite back I use to wear when I was on the swim team last year, and grab my pink and black two piece making them nod their heads in approval.

"Better?" I ask after I put it in and showed them how it looked.

"So much better." Marie says flipping her red hair over her shoulder and smiles.

"That bathing suite is so cute yet sexy on you." Nara says as her brown eyes look over it.

"Well, since you are already I should go now and ger some paper work done real quick. Your date should be here in five minutes." With that my mom gets up and leaves the room as I throw on the dress over my bathing suite (picture of the outfit to the side) I throw on some clear lip gloss and water proff mascara just as the door rings and I turn to the girls.

"Are you guys gonna stay or...?"

"We'll stay so when you get back we can know all the juicy bits first hand." Marie says with a smile witch I return before leaving my bedroom and rushing towards the door.

Sixteen And Pregnant (Pregnant with the players baby)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora