Sixteen And Pregnent (Pregnent with the players baby)

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I lean against the wall as tears poor out of my eyes. Their it is, the horrid pink little plus sign. I always been a good girl, always did my work, got straight A's. Just one mistake can ruin your life. What am I going to do about college or tell my mom? 'Hay Mom this dude who is the schools player got me knocked up, but don't worry, I lost my virginity to him because my drink was spiked. I'm not a hoe.' Yeah, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't blow over very real. She is going to feel terrible. She raised me better then this. I should've learned from my mom's mistake. My dad knocked her up and then left. She was in love with him, but he just wanted a quick hit and run. I can't believe I made that mistake. The mistake my mom tried her hardest to make me avoid. Heck, I'm not even suppose to have a boyfriend till I'm 18, so I'm especially not suppose to have a baby. God help me. I went against every thing I believe in, no sex before marriage. I wanted to give my self away to someone who I love and who loves me back. Not a player. Gosh, I feel like a slut. How long can I hide this? How long until I start to show?

I hold back a sub as it trys to surface. Thats when I knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. "Aphrodite, are you O.K.?"

"Ummm...Yeah Mom, I'm just feeling a little down." "Can I come in."

"NO!" I instantly shout trying to find a place where to hide the pregnancy test. I can't just throw it in the trash can, she will see it.

"Te, I'm coming in."

No! Shiz witts! She is on to me. I put a fake smile on my face and I hide the test behind my back.

"Hi Mom!" I say with fake enthusiasm.

"Hi, I thought you weren't feeling good." She says crossing her arms over her chest as she looks at me with a raised eye brow.

"Well now I feel better. Bye Mom." I try to pass her, but she stops me.

"Is there something you want to tell me."

I tap my chin and look up and say "nope, nothing I can think of. I should be going." She shakes her finger at me and says

"Not so fast little missy. I found the pregnancy test box in the down stairs garbage. Now are you sure you have nothing to tell me." My face goes pale as I feel the blood drain from my body. The water works start.

"I'm so sor-rry I-it wa-was an accident! So-some one Spiked the dr-drinks at Nara's bi-birthday party I sw-swear. And th-then T-this cute B-boy c-came up to me and one Th-thing lead to a-another. I swear I-i D-didn't mean to!" I sob. I see her fetures soften as she pulls me into a hug.

"Aw, it is O.K. baby, every thing will be O.K." She says patting my back.

"No it won't! I'm pregnant!" I scream making the tears come faster.

"It is O.K. baby. I'm here and I will support you the WHOLE time. When you go off to college I will take care of the baby. I will be here no matter what. I know whats it like to make a mistake. Trust me the mistake is worth it though. You have to tell who ever it is that you are pregnant with their child."

"I know."

"O.K., now go get ready for school." I nod my head before running to my room. I'm only three weeks pregnant so I am not showing yet, thank the lord. I wonder how Jace is going to take this. He is the schools player. What if he doesn't want him/her? I don't want my child growing up with out a Dad. No child should have to go threw that. Especially when its not just the mothers fault. I slip on a pink tank top and black shorts with black vans. I put a bump in my black hair and my bangs to the side. I grab my book bag and phone, swinging the book bag over my shoulder and running down the steps when I hear a car honk. I run over to my best friends, Nara, Silver convertible BMW and jump in. My blond friend looks at me smiling.

"Hay girl."

"Hi." I say flatly. She lowers her dark sun glasses and looks at me.

"Woah someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." It is quite as she pulls out of the drive way.

"I'm pregnant." I screech. She steps on the breaks making the car jerk.


"Can you stop it with the five W's and keep driving before we are late."

"Sorry," she mumbles.

"It was Jace at your party. The drinks where spiked." I see her shake her head.

"You are the last person I would suspect to give into his playerish ways. You where always such a Goodie too-shoes."

"I know." She glances at me before saying

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know."



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