Chapter 12

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"Why?" I said picking up my phone.

"I will explain more in a second. Let's meet under the tree house, get Sophie," She said before hanging up.

I got changed, and walked into the hallway. I walked into Ethan's room and he was cuddling Sophie. I went over and I shook her awake. She looked at me and I covered her mouth.

"Jaz figured something out we need to meet in the treehouse," I said whispering and she shook her head okay before slipping out of bed. She was wearing an oversized t shirt so she threw on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

We walked to the giant tree which held our treehouse and we climbed the stairs. Jaz was waiting there in leggings and a sweatshirt.

"Will you explain now," I said and she opened up the book which had been bookmarked in many places.

"I didn't find a way to bring your father back, but I did find a couple of ways to talk to the Moon Goddess and maybe she could give us some guidance," Jaz said.

"So what are our options?" Sophie said and we both looked at Jaz in anticipation.

"The first one is brutal. We would have to kill a pair of mates and request to see her," Jaz said and I shook my head.

"We aren't murderers," I said.

"I know. The other option would be if we have an Alpha's body we can make a potion and pour it into his mouth. We will be able to talk to the moon goddess that way," Jaz explained.

"How are we supposed to make a potion? There haven't been witches in thousands of years," Sophie said.

"You might not need a witch to make a potion," Jaz said and we all stopped for a second.

"We won't agree unless you want us to," Sophie said holding my arm. I took a deep breath and looked at them.

"We are going to need help," I said. This is how we ended up with us, Jason, Emma, and Evan standing over my Dad's grave shovels in our hands.

"Are you sure you are okay to do this?" I asked everyone. Emma looked pale, and Evan looked exhausted.

"Yes," Emma said bravely and I noticed Jason squeeze her hand. I put the shovel in the dirt, and made the first big. Everyone gathered around and started to help. About ten minutes later we had only gotten three feet deep. We were covered head to toe in dirt and we were all exhausted.

It then started to rain. It was 3am and the rain was very cold. We all stopped and looked around, knowing we couldn't stop now as much as we wanted to. We all continued to dig most of us exhausted.

We heard a branch snap and saw a light coming towards us. I felt my heart start to pick up and hoped this would go well. The light approached us and we saw five bodies.

It was Charlie, Mila, and Eva. They had also brought Joe and George, Sophie and Jaz's brothers. We all relaxed and saw that they had shovels. Sophie and jaz hugged their siblings and I hugged Eva.

"We figured you would need help for whatever you were up to," Joe said smiling sadly.

"I didn't know you were back George," I said and he pulled me into a hug.

"Your father was always there for me, I will do anything to bring him back," He said. I smiled up at him. He had always taken care of me growing up and was a good friend.

They jumped into the hole and we all continued digging. I was surprised that Joe decided to help, because my brother had appointed him as Beta which meant he was supposed to be his right hand man.

We finally reached the wooden box and we opened it up. It took all of us to lift my father's body out and we brought him over to our treehouse. His body hadn't decomposed at all and surprisingly didn't smell.

We covered his body with a blanket and we all sat down trying to figure out what to do next. We showed everyone else the book and we made a game plan.

"So we need six things to make the potion. Four things are easy to find and two are not," Jaz said.

"What are they?" George asked her.

"Wolfsbane, a maple leaf, a ghost orchid, sage, water from rain, and bark from the seven sisters oak tree," Jaz said.

"We should all be in charge of finding each thing," Sophie said.

"Charlie, Eva, and Mila you will get the wolfsbane," Joe said and they agreed.

"Sophie and I can find the sage and maple leaf," Jaz offered.

"We can gather water from rain right now," Evan said, grabbing a cup to collect it.

"I think I know where to find bark from the seven sisters oak tree," Jason said and Joe agreed.

"We can all look for the ghost orchid," Jaz finally said.

"We tell no one he is here," I said and we all agreed. I went back inside and took a quick shower before slipping into Liam's arms him not even realizing I had left in the first place. 

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