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Hii. I am a simple, ordinary and weird 20-year-old girl. This story might not be something huge or heart-touching but it, sure enough, broke my heart.

I am this random girl who is loved by most I guess but loathed and disgusted by many at the same time. But, to be honest, like I ever cared about that.

People are free to judge me as long as I'm happy with what I'm doing. This is something that happened to me recently, and for the first time in my life, I lost the will to smile and even talk perhaps. I went mute, completely and I was back to being a haphephobic (phobia from physical contact).

Well, the reason for my haphephobia is simple, I was sexually assaulted but that's not what I'm here to talk about. I have gone through enough shit in my life but this is the first time I ever broke.

Until a year ago, I was this girl who was reluctant to be touched by every male specimen, even my own brother.

2 years ago, a boy entered my life. He was the new kid in my school. No one basically liked him, as he was well known for his playboy personality. Me being an extrovert and with the morals to never judge a person by their past, I put forward the proposal of friendship.

It was just a smile, a form of acknowledgement. And there's were the mistake happen.

He was so perfect, amazing, funny, lame, comfortable to be around and basically everything a girl would look for. But before you assume, no I was never in love with him but it was much worst than that.

Friendship. Not just any friendship, the one you see in movies. The one read about in books, read quotes about and see pictures of.

We were like; bun and patty, khubz and tahina, stars and sky..... you get the drift.
But I forgot a bun, khubz and sky can be paired with anything.

That those things can change partners...

Everyone commanded me, ordered me, warned me to not trust him, but I did anyway. And honestly, it wasn't a mistake back then. I fought against all my friends for him, stood up for him and I denied to judge him.

Everything said about him could be true, but we don't know the circumstances or perhaps was he the same person. I challenged to prove everyone that he was not what everyone entitled to be and indeed I did what I had promised.

Sooner or later, everyone started to like him, believe in my words and he had gained friends. I smiled, feeling ecstatic to see him happy and not struggling any longer.

In less than 6 months, we became the kind of inseparable pair. He made me feel special, he made me smile, he listened to me, took care of me and spent all his time with me.

At one point, I eventually developed a crush for him. But, the fear of losing our friendship haunted me and so I let go of the thought. Our friendship grew stronger day by day and not even the worst day of my life could have made me sad.

Everything was going at it's best that, eventually I even lost the phobia from physical contact. Every time we hung out, he would grab my hand and I wouldn't feel the anxiety kicking into me anymore.

The first time, he hugged me, I fell at ease. It was comfortable, it felt like a shield, a protective blanket and right then and there I knew, he was the best thing in my life.

Losing him was the biggest fear. The thought would erupt a quenching pain but I strongly believed that was never going to happen.

After all, a guy who cried for you is supposed to love you the most. Isn't it?

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