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Hi everyone!
Since I'm the founder and host, I thought why not start this club with my own experience first.

Hopefully this will encourage everyone to put up their battles and share problems with us. Because you're not a survivor, you're a fighter.

And I believe so too. No, I wasn't born with this confidence nor was I an extrovert. Like most of the girls, I was a backward back in my school life until junior year came rolling.

But that's a story for the future. First, I would like to put forward the first pain I went through in my childhood.

I will start with my introduction.

Hey everyone, I'm Soha Kazi. I am from Bangladesh, but I live in UAE. I'm a teenager just like most of you, and yes, I have gone through everything that a normal teenager faces today. I know how you feel, and that's the main reason of this club.

I believe that I'm a nineteen year old teenager with 29 years of experience and IQ of a toddler. Yep, I know, it sounds absurd. But not to me.

Being a girl is a battle within itself. No, I ain't cursing my destiny as to why was I born as a girl. It is an honour to take birth as a girl, because God has gifted this gender only to limited humans as not everyone has the endurance power like us.

No, I ain't being a feminist, but I want to awaken the girl within you. You should remind yourself everyday, you're lucky to be born as a girl. Stop comparing yourself with guys, God had created a different set of duties for them. Women are not created to compete with men, they are brought into this world to complete men.

I was born after 5 years of my parents marriage, for most people that is a huge gap; disadvantages of being an asian. Most people know, I'm the eldest, but what most didn't know was, I was actually the third child. Just before my birth, my mom had lost two of her children.

My two brothers.

It was a miscarriage and I have no idea how she endured that pain. As for when I put myself in her position today, I cannot bring myself to lose two living beings that were born out of me.

That's when I knew, she was stronger than most. Not just because she was a woman, but because she had groomed herself into a mother long before a child was born out of her. And for what I know, mothers are the strongest in this world.

Despite not knowing their existence, I wished I had someone elder to me, although destiny worked fairly in my favour. Losing two children was pretty harsh for them, and so I was brought up with all the care, pampering and love in the world. But like after every beautiful day, night sky shines out, the dark clouds assembled over my life as well. Only difference was, it wasn't a mesmerising sight or experience.

I was always a child full of life. Crying or being sad or even sitting down at one place was never my forte. I was one of those girls that were loved by everyone. But at that small age what I didn't realise was, not every love was out of affection.

Some were out of...... lust.

This happened on a random day, and as for a little teeny mini five year old, I should've forgotten it long ago. But as it is said, some scars are imprinted into our heart, they heal but never disappear.

One day, when me and my mom had gone to the mall for shopping, she had asked me to bring a tie from the first floor. The mall was average and not much crowded, but still, for a 5 year old child, finding a tie wasn't easy.

But it wasn't a big deal for me, as I had a favourite salesman over there who would always find time to play with me. For me, he was the sweetest man alive.

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