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Well, Hii everybody. Welcome back. Well, this is an experience my best friend went through. And I really applaud her for having the courage to share it with you guys. I hope, we all can do the same.

This is a story that has haunted me for 6 years of my life now. This episode makes me disgusted at all such men out there in this world who would not miss even a single chance to take advantage of a girl. Even of an innocent 12-year-old having fun at a water park. I was a girl who always hated crowds and attention and felt insecure about my body. I was bubbly and which always in a way had a toll on my confidence.

Let me narrate this incident to you. I was always scared of water and high rides. It gave me anxiety. But still, I had to have fun on this trip. So, I went up to a high water slide where they made us sit on an inflated double water park tube and slid it down the high twisted slide. Like every kid, I was excited too, to feel the adrenaline rush whilst sliding down through it. I wanted to know how it ends, and what comes after the tunnel.

It had a long waiting line and the crowd was wild. I and my 10-year-old brother stood to wait for our turn. The crowd already made me anxious and sweaty. There was a man in just his boxers standing right behind me. He appeared scary and giant, his curly hair fell over his face but I had no reason to complain just because I thought that way.

I stood there chit-chatting with my brother to pass my time, when all of a sudden I felt something behind my back, but brushed it off, obviously thinking I was being all paranoid. It is a public space, what could happen here? But maybe the most disgusting crimes, happen in the open and not behind the closed doors or dark abandoned buildings.

I looked right and left, conscious of my surrounding, but didn't dare to look behind. Not once.

Just as a few minutes passed by, I felt a weird sense of something touching me.
And it was none other than the man behind me. He started thrusting his pelvis onto my back and enjoying the sensation.

Like fucking hell?! What the fuck?!

At first, I thought it was a mistake. How on earth was I supposed to realise his disgusting intentions filled with fucking lust!!! I gave him an icy look expecting ha sorry, but the monster just smirked at me with eyes filled with lust which I did not decipher at that moment.

What was a 12-year-old who didn't even hit puberty yet supposed to know? For fuck sake, I didn't even know what the male reproductive organ was called back then either.

I moved slightly forward, colliding into my brother, but maintaining a gap in between me and the faggot.

But well, the idea didn't work.
Rather, he again started doing it harder, and I started feeling a wave of emotions.

Disgust. Anxiety. Panic. Uncomfortableness. Anger. I felt disgusted on my own skin. This torture went on for almost 30 minutes straight. Every passing second felt like an eternity. His disgusting breath got all panty, as he thrust further into my skin. I was looking for aid, a reason to scream, a reason to gain a very little amount of attention in order to save myself and an excuse to somehow to get away without causing a drama.

But well, I did not do anything. Why? Because I was scared. Scared that it would drag attention to me. Scared that it would create a big scene and I would be treated responsibly. It would take a toll on my respect and dignity. And so I kept quiet. Quite... that's what I did. I kept quiet. I stood their silent, whilst I let myself get assaulted sexually. I didn't utter a word, although I was crying in silence.

Why is it so fucking hard to not scream for aid even amidst hundreds of people? Why is it easy to not react, despite feeling the sense of drowning? Why is it so easy to stay silent but hard to voice out your own reaction.

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