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Recap: One of the file names pulled his attention towards it. It had been a case file about a murder that happened more than seven years ago. Reading through it, his ears hummed at the information he read.
The evidence, the probable suspects, the officer in charge, as well as the subordinates were all clearly stated- the case as a whole had been solved and yet, they still sent an innocent man to jail for a crime he never committed.

Question was,Why?

Why go through all the trouble to build a case: find the criminal, and still manage to convict an innocent man?

Placing the file into his work bag, he'll need it to uncover the truth.

• • •

"Good morning, Mr Kenter. Can I have a word with you in my office?" Mr Gallagher asked as he popped his head into Max's office.

"Sure Boss," locking his computer, he followed Mr Gallagher to his office.

"Have a seat, Mr Kenter," Mr. Gallagher motioned his head to the empty chair opposite him before settling on his chair behind his mahogony desk.

Closing the door behind him, he settled on the empty seat intently staring at his boss. He wondered why his boss called for him. Had he been made? He couldn't have been made, not just yet at least.

"Soo...Kenter, about the assignment I gave you last time, the code seems to be fuctioning smoothly. The client's were impressed," He stated proudly as he placed his joined hands on top of the desk.

"It wasn't my work alone. I wouldn't have been able to work it out if it wasn't for Sam's help. Most of the credit should go to him even," Max voiced out matter-of-factly.

"Whatever the work put in, the code runs and that's all that matters. Instead of the initial 20% raise, I'll up to 35%, client's orders."

"You don't have to, but thanks, I guess," Max was skeptical about the change, but he wasn't about to complain on how the client's want to spend their money. "Would that be all?" He questioned.

"Yes, yes, that would be all. Carry on with the excellent work, Mr Kenter."


Back in his office Max received a message from an unsaved number. "It's done. Everything awaits your signal." Attached in the message were unsettling pictures. If he didn't know what he had gotten himself into he would have gagged and puked his late breakfast, but instead a satisfactory grin danced around his lips.

It's show time.

Hacking through the security files, he got the information he needed; names, address and location. Deleting his digital footprint, he saved these details into his personal cell right on time before a knock resonated through his closed door.

"Its open," Max called out. Pocketing his cell.

"Hey, wanna go out to that new spot open tonight?" Ally questioned.

"I thought you hated my guts, what changed?" curiosity clouded Max's orbs as he stared into her jade colored eyes.

"Lets call it a truce, okay? You are a pain, but I guess you aren't that bad," she shrugged her shoulders as she walked past the threshold.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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