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Gleam Canyon Woods

Three hours away from the city

10 May 20xx, 19:33pm
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Lurking in the shadows the figure stood— waiting, preying on his next feast. The six unsuspecting individuals that had coincidentally planned to have their summer vacation had finally gathered. The low spluttering of their rental van had given way to their approach.

Phase One of the plan was now complete. Phase two— separate them and pick them out one by one was on its way. That would be easy, considering that he had him on his side: the mastermind.

All six teens were tied together by fate— or in this rather unlikely case, by death.

No one knew what was lurking in the shadows; no one knew what was about to befall the silent woods of Gleam Canyon. But then again; even if they knew, what would they have done to escape the outcome?

Falling back into the shadows, the figure merged with the darkness, the billowing wind carried the sounds of birds arguing in the trees, the scurrying sound of squirrels and the buzzing sound of the night critters.

Rock music pierced through the peaceful woods followed by voices belting out lyrics to the song: 'Wow by Post Malone'.

"...yeah these bottles, these bottles are lonely, it's a moment–" the abrupt halt of the loud voice transformed into pained shrill cries, "Tha fuck you smack me for, dude!" soothing the spot behind his head, he sent death glares to his abuser.

"That was for screaming in my bloody ear! For crying out loud, keep it down. Next time it won't be a smack upside the head," slowing the van and taking a sharp right turn, everyone's focus drifted away from the song. The serene woods were beautiful at night, the stars shone brightly in the sky, occasionally flickering in the vast dark blanket.

The crescent moon cast a ghostly glow upon the trees, basking them with its natural light. Constellations that would be difficult to spot due to the blinding city lights, were clearly visible— Orion's belt outlined at the center, glimmering in all its glory like a peacock showcasing its colorful feathers.

"You could've asked nicely like a civilized human being, ya know. Violence is not always the answer."

"Really, Oliver?" Disbelief clouded Oliver's companion's face, "how many times did I frickin' nudge you to shut the fuck up? Don't test me right now," angered by Oliver's tone of voice, she muted the music in the car earning her death glares from six pairs of different colored orbs and empty death threats.

"Mel! Up that dial this fucking instant, put some respect on Post's songs," a red-faced girl screeched out.

"Sis, you know I love you, right? Tell your boyfriend to keep it down or else—"

"Or else what? You ain't gon' do shit to me." Oliver boasted. 

"Will all of you just shut it!" Calvin demanded in a pissed tone, "we're here to enjoy ourselves or whatever, and y'all just pissing me off!"

"I'm sorry, babe" Melany cooed. "We will enjoy ourselves, don't stress, okay?"


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