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|Part I|



(Small state up North from the woods)

* * *

"Em. Emily, wake up, we found a place to stay at." Bethany stated as she shook her shoulder gently.

"Hmm," stretching her fairly long legs, she noticed that she was the only one left in the car. "How long have I been out for?" she questioned.

"A couple of hours at most, we got here a few minutes ago and set out the place accordingly. Come, follow me," Bethany requested as she led the way to their temporary abode.

Stepping out of the car, her left leg tripped on nothing; preparing for her great fall she outstretched her hands to take the full impact. Strong hands steadied her before she could kiss the ground at her feet.

Sparks flew all over her body creating an enormous electric charge at her core, that same woodsy cologne invaded her senses clouding all judgments that wanted to rise through the surface. Her body reacted to the delicious warmth at her waist; subconsciously, her legs moved closer to the body wanting more of that warmth.

"Beautiful Emily, we should stop meeting like this," his deep rich southern accent sent tingles all over her neck as he whispered into her ear. She had to admit, she liked—loved—their close proximity at that moment.

"We should, shouldn't we?" she replied. No words wanted to escape her mouth, she didn't want that tranquil moment to end, but then again, she didn't want to look needy. She didn't know him that well, but something about him made her comfortable.

"I'm super clumsy. Sorry about that," she voiced timidly. "Jared, you always seem to be at my rescue, are you my guardian angel or something?"

Shifting her body, she looked into his mesmerizing eyes, they still had the same effect on her, in-fact she'd even say that the way his eyes bore into her own she could swear he could see her deepest, darkest secrets and desires.

"I will go for 'or something'," his smile displayed perfect white teeth. His month-old scruff had been shaved revealing his strong jaw in all its intensity. He had no imperfection, even his bent nose was perfect, it suited him.

"I'll take that," a thought came into my mind, "Do you want to get something to eat, if you're busy then it's okay, you don't have to get food, I mean you don't have to come with me or—"

"Emily, slow down. I would love to eat. How about dinner, I know a place," he suggested.

She had rambled on and on—a nervous habit of hers, internally face palming herself at how stupid she sounded, she wouldn't be surprised if he said no. Backtracking, she replayed their conversation in her head, wait!

Did he say yes?

Gazing into his forest green, tranquil blue eyes, an expectant expression glazed over his features. "Did you just agree to get food with me?" She couldn't hide how baffled she was, she had never asked a guy out on a date before, what on earth had gotten into her. She didn't regret her decision though; she'd make that same decision over and over again.

"If you have changed your mind then it is okay, beautiful lassie," He assured.

"What! I mean, no, I haven't changed my mind. Dinner sounds great. You still have my number, right?"

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