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Hello and welcome to Zoe Support club. Zoe- life, new beginning, new start, spirit to live.

This is where we want the lost spirits to be refound again. The lost lives to start living again. The paused stories to resume again.

Even if one of us could actually help you and bring a change in your life, it would be a life time achievement for us.

We are here to provide you a new path, a new ray, a new meaning to your life. I have seen several people, both girls and boys suffer. Especially teenagers. This club could be their voice, their way to reach people, their way to let people know that they are strong and they don't need those losers who were pathetic enough to hurt them.

I know the pain, I know the wounds, I know the scars, I know the battles. Let's all stand together, fight together, battle together and win these wars.

This club is open to all and we are your friends. Even chitchats are welcomed here.

Let this be the old but revised version of you!

ZOE SUPPORT CLUB!Where stories live. Discover now