Black beast

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A/N: this is a picture of Eve's outfit.

A disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Chapter 1: {edited}


In the darkness of a dream, the mind would conjure up magical beasts with jaws that were home to razor teeth. They would move in unnatural ways, maybe a limp, or be severely hunched over.

However, my dreams, or should I call them nightmares, were far away from imaginary beasts or some freak of nature, they were always about a boy.

Now, riddle me this. How can I call it a nightmare if it doesn't leave my presence, my thoughts, and my mind when I am awake?

He haunts my dreams, stalks my life but he is not here. It's all in my head and it's driving me insane, this thirst for revenge.

A startled scream tore its way from my lips. I sit on the bed trying to collect my jumbled thoughts, turned into an incoherent mess after the same nightmare that's been plaguing my mind for 3 years. Yet, it came to haunt me once again.

My breath comes in quick gasps and I feel like I'm blacking out. My heart is hammering inside my chest as if it belongs to a rabbit, running for its life. The room spins, my vision becomes blurred and I start to see double. I take a deep breath trying to make everything slow down to something my brain and body can cope with.

The sunlight beamed through the white blinds presenting the morning sun against my face. I blinked trying to erase the blurred visions of my nightmare and help my eyes adjust to the burning light. I felt the heady pull of my dreams, beckoning me back to pester my existence, but I shook that thought off as I saw that the morning had long ago shown its presence.

Cramped, old, and square-like, that is how my room looks like. The window is the only source of light in it. Fending off the creepy shadows in the morning but perpetual darkness is what claims it at night. No speck of light can be seen unless the moon decides to grace me with its presence, sending waves of silvery rays to lighten up the darkness and the terrifying feeling it poses.

My bed, if I can call it a bed, is mismatched of cheap wood, patched together to form a rectangular shape. The comforter was so thin you can feel the wood dig into your flesh -a hungry beast waiting to feast on your muscles- rendering you exhausted and sleepless. A small, circular grey rug with yellow and black spots littering all over, stood in the middle of the room.

A small closet, which can barely fit all my clothes, stood hunched in the corner, a small table facing it on the opposite side of the room. The only thing that's acceptable in this rats hole is the square shape window above my bed, can't say the same for the blinds though as they are filled with gaping holes the size of a cats' mouth.

I stood up and stretched like a lazy cat. I made my way to the kitchen to begin my day. The kitchen and the bathroom are in no better shape. Cracks were plastered on every wall. The once white paint is now sickly pale color that looks horrible with some paint peeling off, threatening to fall at any second. Thank god the ground is steady and the roof is strong otherwise, I would've been buried alive.

I shouldn't nag, that's all I can afford for now.

After I did my daily routine, I put on my outfit for the day.

"Let us kick some butts," I whispered enthusiastically, ready to leave this dreary place behind. With that, I was out of my shabby apartment and into the busy street of a small village in the land of waves.


The smoke twisted in an artistic way forming curls in the gloom, illuminated only by the pubs' lights. Along the wall, there was every shade of amber liquid you could think of in their own bottles that varied in shape and size.

Bittersweet RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now