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Eve slumped back on bed and covered herself with the hole infested, small piece of blanket.

She clinched her eyes shut and prayed her mind to stop replaying the kiss over and over again.

She was repulsed by it so why wouldnt her mind shut up about it? He accosted her lips for fūcks sake, took advantage of her slumber to sate his wicked urges. Even after she'd shown him what she thinks of him! That still didn't deter him!

Maybe her intentions wasnt clear enough. Maybe after she chop of a limb or two he might get it into his thick head how much she despise his presence...his existence!

But something doesnt match up, she doubt he was desperate. He could get his fill of girls with his looks and strength - as a matter of fact, Karin is just a few doors away, willing, and begging for his attention.

It's really impressive what first impressions can reveal!

She slapped her cheeks, stop it! You didnt just think he was handsome! Nope, not even slightly! On a second thought, no, despite his acceptable appearance, no one would approach that devil. Nope, no way! He screams evil and he's a wanted murderer, who want that?! Any sensible female will fly the other direction if she catch a glimpse of him.

Then why aren't you? Her mind sassed.

Because I want his head, of course! She shut the voice in her head up, she's not in the mood for some reasoning she just want to rant about how much she hates him and how evil he without interruptions.

Besides, how would he woe a girl if he only grunts and 'hn'? Im pretty sure he needs a larger vocabulary if he wants to enchant a woman!

He does speak when he feels like it.

She ignored the voice and continued. I mean who could stomach his attitude and his crudeness!

I'm pretty sure many would be attracted to him. You just described the perfect badboy girl! Her subconscious popped again, snickering.

I described a cold-blooded killer! She scoffed.

She decided to put a lid on her thoughts, the course of thoughts got out of hand, better to force them down otherwise she'll go after sasuke and poison him or something.

It only lasted about a second, her treacherous mind conjured up another thought: her dream.

A constant stream of rythmic scenes bombarded her mind.

Scenes and flashes of what she saw played in front of her mind's eye. A glassy expression of inattention took upon her features, lost in the waking, repeating nightmare making her shiver in terror.

The unspeakable and abstruse things that young girl went through broke her heart. She felt sorry for the young child who suffered vile deeds at such a pure and vulnerable age.

More importantly, what does all of this have to do with her? She's never seen the people in the dream, not once in her life. So, why? Is it possible for her tired mind to conjure up fiction characters?

No, they felt so real. The pain, the hurt and what took place, felt too real to be a figment of her imagination. If so, she's one heck of a story plotter, so good she can conjure fiction stories in her dreams.

Makes me think what I can do when I'm awake? She thought sarcastically.

Wait, he said Eiko?!

She gasped in disbelief. The day sasuke killed her mother and sister, he called her Eiko as well!

What does that mean? She doesnt know anyone who goes by Eiko and its definitely not her! Her name used to be Emiko, not Eiko.

Bittersweet RevengeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα