The end

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             Brandon's point of view

I've been driving around Pennsylvania for the past three hours finally I had to Pee so I stopped at a gas station to go use the bathroom. When I came back I had 1 missed call and a voice mail from Alice. I listened to the voice mail and she said

"Brandon uh hey it's it's um Alice look I don't know why I'm calling but I wanted to tell you that I moved on when I saw the way you looked at me you you looked at me like I was glass that was about to break but I'm not I've moved on and I'm happy so yeah.I hope I never see you or hear Your voice ever again, I hate you. You're a coward and nothing more and I'm glad I got away from you Because imagine walking away from someone you love without an explanation as to why And leaving them wondering where they went wrong so yeah I hope you're a good this is the last time you'll hear from me. I'm going to Harvard in a few months and I'm going to live my life with Jess. I loved you but I need to let go so that's all goodbye"

I didn't know what to do. I loved her so much but her mother said we couldn't be together. I left because I thought it was best but she was right I didn't even fight for her. Before I could talk myself out of it I drove right back to her house. I pulled out my phone and called her. I don't give a shit what her parents say. I fucking love her.

"Hello" she said

"Where are you" I asked

"Why" she asked

"Where are you" I asked again

"By our spot" she said with a sigh

"Okay" I said

"Why" she asked but I didn't answer I just walked to the lake as fast as I could

"Hello" she said then I hung up

"I'm here" I said then she turned around to look at me

"What are you" she started to say but I cut her off by kissing her

She hesitated at first then quickly kissed me back

"Let's go to your house" I said

"Why" she asked

"Are your parents there" I asked

"Yes but" she tried to say but I kissed her again then grabbed her hand

We walked into her house and her mom looked confused

"Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery I know you think I'm bad for your daughter and I know you want me to go away and never come back and I tried but I love her and I can't walk away and I won't walk away and I'm sorry that you don't like me but I don't know what to tell you because I'm not going anywhere I love her so much and I can't just walk away and leave her here like I don't love her so I'm sorry but I'm not leaving" I said

I looked at Alice and she said nothing

"I'm sorry that I left and I know that you have a boyfriend but I love you" I said

She said nothing but instead she smiled then kissed me

"I love you too Brandon" she said with a smile

"Mother I'm sorry I'm sorry that I'm such a disappointment to you but I love him" she said

Her step dad looked at me then asked

"Do you plan on marrying her"

"Yes I want to be with her forever" I said

"Do you plan on getting a real job" he asked

"Yes" I replied

"Madison I think it's very selfish of you to not let these two be together if they obviously love each other" he said

"Are you serous David" she asked

"I think you should let them live life" he said

"Aliceion Sweetheart are you sure you want this" she asked

"Yes" I said

"Then I will try to except the fact that Brandon is like a fly and will not go away" she said

We looked at each other for a moment before kissing again

"I have to talk to Jess" she said

"Okay" I replied

She went upstairs and I stayed downstairs talking to her mother and father

           Alice's point of view

I called Jess and on the second ring he picked up

"Hey" he said

"Hey I need to talk to you" I said

"I feel like I already know" he said

"What do you mean" I asked

"Let me guess you're breaking up with me and getting back with Brandon" he asked

"How did you know" I asked

"I saw the way you two looked at each other It's Obvious the two of you are in love" he said

"I'm so sorry Jess you were such a good boyfriend and I didn't want to hurt you" I said

"It's okay Alice I want you to be happy" he said

"Thank you Jess" I said

"I wish you all the happiness in life Aliceion" he said

"You too Jess" I said

We said our goodbyes then I hung up

It's all happening so fast. Brandon's back for good. I love him. I tried to move on but I can't. I love him so much. I can't run away from this. It's real.

I ran back downstairs and saw Brandon talking to my parents.

"Let's go to our spot" I said

We walked to our spot hand and hand and sat down looking at the water

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I replied giving him a kiss

After everything Brandon and I went through we ended up together after all so if you can take one thing from our story you should always remember to try no matter what obstacles are in the way no matter what people say or think try And always follow your heart because it'll lead you to the right spot.

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