Let the party began

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I woke up early like I planned. I need to start getting ready in about an hour to make sure I look perfect. Yes I'm aware I'm getting ready 10 hours early but this is my story so we're doing it my way. I went to our gym (we have an indoor gym in my house) anyways. I worked out for a good two hours then took a long hot shower. By the time I got out it was already 11. I ate some fruit and drank water.

"Do you want anything else" nanny asked

I shook my head no then kept chugging my water. I was hoping I could drown my sadness out with this water but it wasn't working. But it doesn't mater I'll drown it out with fancy alcohol tonight.

"Aliceion you should be getting ready" my mom said then handed me a vitamin

"I know I'm going do that now" I said after taking it

"Where's dad" I asked in a strange tone

"Upstairs getting dressed" she replied then walked away

I went upstairs and did a full face of makeup with a Smokey eye. When I looked at the clock it was 2:45 and all I had to do was curl my hair and get dressed so I did exactly that. I curled my hair then put my red knee length dress with my trusty red bottoms. I put my earrings then sprayed my perfume. The party starts at 5:00 and it's 4:35. My phone beeped and it was chad saying he was pulling up. I heard a knock at the door then I heard chads voice and within seconds he walked into my room. He was dressed in a classic tux with his red hair fixed perfectly.

"Hello gorgeous" he said then kissed me

"Hi" I replied kissing him back

Just then I heard people talking downstairs. Heather and Aaliyah walked into my room greeting chad and I.

Aaliyah was dressed in a long pink dress with her hair straight and light makeup. Heather was dressed in a short blue dress with light makeup and curled hair. We all talked for a little while before we heard the rest of the guest arrive. It was 5:15 so everyone was coming.

"Let the party began" Chad said as we all walked downstairs

Oh but if only we knew what was coming.

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