It's already over

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             Alices point of view

I woke up but didn't see Brandon. I walked downstairs but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I took a shower then got dressed but when I got back in Brandon's room all my stuff was gone and when I looked out the window I saw Brandon  bringing bags to my house. I ran downstairs then outside.

"Brandon what are you doing" I asked as he was he bringing my stuff into my house

"Brandon" I yelled then went into my house

He walked into my room and so did I.

"What are you doing" I asked

"I have to let you go" he said

"No you don't Brandon what are you talking about" I asked as my heart started racing

"I'm going back to Texas and you can stay here and fix thing with chad and go to college and be happy" he said

"Brandon what are you talking about what happend" I asked and began to cry

"I want you to be happy" he said

"That stuff won't make me happy Brandon you make me happy" I said

"For now but then you'll resent me because I can't give you the life you want" he said

"I don't care about the fairy tale life anymore it doesn't mean shit to me" I said

"It'll hurts for a while but I promise if you focus on other stuff it will be okay and you'll be happy again" he said

"You don't get to choose my life Brandon" I snapped

"You'll go to college and get married and be happy but if I stay you won't get the life you want I'll ruin it all for you" he said

"I just want you" I cried

"I'm doing this for you" he said

"you're the love of my life but I have to go" he said

I said nothing I just cried

"Kiss me one last time" he begged

I lifted my head up and kissed him for a moment then he pulled away and walked towards the door

"If you go if you leave I'm done And there's no going back for us it'll be over" I said

"It's already over" he said then walked out the door

Breaking my heart into pieces

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