Chapter 14: The Sequel

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"You can't win this. You are not ready. But you will be."

"Who are you?" I ask, "And how do I get ready?"

"You will know."

I open my eyes as light assaults my eyelids. My body is on fire. I can vaguely remember seeing the world in flames. It feels like a nightmare. I remember seeing destruction. It had to be a nightmare.

As I lay in bed, I begin to remember last night.

I've had sex before but last night put everyone to shame. I remember every scorching touch and every radiating sensation. I remember the feel of his fingertips against every inch of my body. I remember his tongue sliding across my skin. The feeling of his fangs brushing against my mark sends a familiar shiver down my body.

I'm not surprised to see Kohl gone. I'm disappointed but not surprised. While I expect to be first priority this one time, I understand. I roll out of bed and head into the bathroom. I feel that I should at least brush my teeth as werewolves tend to have sensitive smell.

I notice that my mark is glowing slightly. It is searing hot to the touch. I write it off as a reaction to last night. When I'm satisfied, I head downstairs and into the kitchen area. As I enter, I see that Gaius, Jasar, Cassie and Nadira are discussing something. I enter the room and they realize immediately. Their eyes land on me.

"What?" I ask.

"You mated." Cassie says with enthusiasm, "I want to hear details but I also don't want to hear details. I'm conflicted."

"Cassie!" Gaius grumbles.

Jasar clears his throat, "Please discuss it at a later time." He says awkwardly.

"How did you know I mated?" I ask. I look around and realize I've underestimated the power of their werewolf powers. I groan before addressing them, "Okay, now that this has gotten sufficiently awkward, anyone mind telling me where Kohl is? I'm not really accustomed to being ditched after I f—um, mate."

The four of them look slightly pained before I see a look of confusion strike Cassie's face. A blaring alarm goes off in my head. I can't be the only one with this feeling.

"Kohl's not with you?" Cassie asks. I shake my head and her eyes find Gaius, "Dad..."

"Let's not jump to conclusions." Gaius says calmly. His eyes center on me, "How long has he been gone?"

"Well, he was there before I went to sleep."

"Clearly." Jasar says with a chortle. Everyone glares at him and he coughs, "I'm sorry."

"What's going on?" I demand. The four of them seem skittish and I'm not in the mood for werewolf weirdness nor secrecy.

"McKennon has escaped." Gaius confesses. I feel nervous and sick at the same time. I begin to imagine every awful implication and Gaius realizes this. I open my mouth to speak and he holds up his hand, "We don't know anything yet."

"You're not joking? This would be a very sick joke." I say looking around at them, "How could McKennon escape? I've seen his holding cell and it's secure. It's like a metal fetish exploded down there."

"We believe someone helped him." Jasar explains, "The guards say that they felt tired all of a sudden. They don't remember a struggle. There wasn't sign of a struggle."

"Now can I worry?" I ask.

"I'd vote yes but I'm not the Alpha." Cassie says with a frown.

"What do we do now? Where would he go?"

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