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Fuck the police,
coming straight from the underground



The first thing Mason noticed when he had awakened was the soft breathing of the male laying next to him and his own pounding hangover that took over. Never again will he accept somebody's offer of drinks. Never again would he drink.

That was a lie, but Mason continued to repeat it in his mind as he stood up and began searching for his clothing on the ground. The clock deceivingly read noon but the darkness in the room had made it seem like it was much earlier. He had slept in and Mason knew there was inevitably going to be heat from his boss if he came in at this time.

"I have a question." Mason heard behind him in a tired and low voice. He had just found his pants and was pulling them up as he looked back at the male.

"Okay, shoot."

"You're looking for Cyan? Why?"

Mason froze, knowing there was absolutely no way that Kelly could've known that unless Mason had uttered it in his drunken state. He frowned, running his hand through his hair. "Listen, forget about anything I said alright, i-"

"Said?" Kelly questioned, sitting up and allowing the sheets to pool around his waist. "You didn't say anything about it. No, it was on your laptop."

"You went through my stuff?"

"Maybe." Kelly held his head lazily and watched as Mason continued to get dressed. "I know where he is. Better yet, I know where Elliot is."

This had caught Mason's attention quick, his shirt forgotten around his arms. "You're joking." He stated only to be met with a small shake of Kelly's head.

"No, no joke. I could tell you-"


"-but that would be no fun. I want something. A couple something's actually."

"I can't guarantee anything without speaking to my boss." Mason started, still wanting him to continue on. Kelly didn't look fazed by it, his bored expression never wavering.

"That's fine. I want a set amount of money for the actual finding of Cyan and/or Elliot. That being said, I want another sum because..." Kelly smiled. "...I'm me. I also want a plane ticket overseas."


Kelly frowned. "Because if you haven't noticed, anyone who barely even talks to the police about anything related to Elliot and Cyan ends up dead. Thank Elliot for that. He hides his tracks well though, he's way smarter than you guys."

Now it was Mason's turn to frown, displeased with the truth coming from Kelly's mouth. To have the biggest and well know drug empire in the city and still managing to be elusive from the police did take someone with intelligence. He hated to admit it, but Mason actually applauded the guy.

"I'll give the police up to three days before my offer is out. But for now, I need a shower." Kelly stood up, completely naked underneath the sheets, and walked out of his room to the bathroom. Mason just stood there stunned.


"Mason!" Richard called out as soon as he had entered the police building, rushing past the desk to get to him. "You remember that Vanessa girl. She did end up making a phone call in here but we think it was made by some prepaid phone. It'll take a while but I feel like we will be able to tr-"

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