.twenty two

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"Great job on getting Castellani's shipment Reynolds, I'm hoping to see this case advancing."

Mason looked up at the captain from his coffee, smiling and nodding at his compliment. While he was happy that his superior was seeing the small progress made in the case, he couldn't help the nagging feeling that something would inevitably go horribly wrong with this entire thing. The feeling hadn't even hit him beforehand but the way that Elliot's workers were staring at him while he went to go check who was alive- which was all of them surprisingly- had made him feel uneasy.

Like, what if they escaped and killed him?

The idea wasn't completely irrational but there was a small percentage of that actually happening considering the security the state had invested for the department to have.

Mason watched as the captain walked away from his desk before going to sit down, quickly sitting his drink down and opening a new web browser page. He hesitated, his fingers hovering over the keys. What if Cyan found out... what if Mason found out something that he didn't want to know. He couldn't undo it. That being said, maybe he could understand the male a little bit better and use it to his advantage, not that he would ever bring it up maliciously.

Getting over his inner conflict, Mason typed in the Canadice Lake incident and searched through the results, his eyes instantly trailing over to a news cast video and he brought the video to full screen before playing it.

"This is Brian Alister from channel 9 news and tonight's story, police responds to a call stating that there has been sounds of gunshots towards Candice Lake. Police have confirmed the finding of James Taylor, a well known local business owner, brutally gunned down at the scene with a child and the suspect accompanied him. It is believed that Taylor had been fostering the child at the time says many of his colleagues."

"The child had still been alive when police had arrived, tied to the inside of the car with signs of sexual assault. As of this time, the police are trying to peice together what had happened but it is believed that the mother of the child had been behind this horrific incident and police have taken her into custody for questioning."

The news video had stopped, a couple suggested links to other videos appearing on the screen to take its place. The one that had really caught Mason's eyes though was an interrogation interview with a woman who resembled Cyan. Clicking the video open, he took in her disheveled hair and under eye dark circles. Not only that but her eyes were puffy and red as if she she just finished crying and slight sniffles could be heard from her every so often.

"This is case 18316 on May 27th with person of interest, Victoria Morrison. Mrs. Morrison, what happened the day that James Taylor was murdered?"

The woman ran a hand through her hair, shaking her head hard back and forth before speaking with a hoarse broken voice.

"A week prior, James had decided that we would go to a lake, something fun considering Cyrus wasn't in such a good mood. We had put the trip off for a while though since the weather hadn't been ideal but when we did go, he had everything planned out. We were just supposed to BBQ by the lake and he was supposed to take Cyrus fishing later on."

"And what happened?"

"James and I got into an argument. I didn't feel comfortable with him taking Cyrus alone down the lake and he had gotten really angry about it. He told me that it didn't matter rather he was alone with Cyrus or in public, what could I possibly do to stop him from doing what he wanted to do. I didn't want to fight in front of Cyrus, s-so I just apologize hoping that he would just leave it at that. H-he didn't though and I could tell Cyrus was so scared so I just suggested we go back home. James wanted to prove a point though so he forced Cyan in the car and took the gun that he kept in the glove compartment.

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