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"I don't trust you."

Cyan glanced up at Mason's words with a raised brow. God, had he rushed into this too fast? Was it wrong of him to want to leave out of police custody as fast as he could? Damnit Elliot, why did he have to leave him here alone without better instructions?

"There's no way you could've turned on him," Mason continued, resting his elbows down on the counter and rubbing his temples. "Elliot is putting you up to this isn't he?"

Well shit.

"Mason, I think he's telling the truth..." Ashely offered gently, her eyes going to Cyan with some emotion that he could decipher at that moment.


Both Mason and Ashely looked over at Cyan in confusion, the male slowly getting to his feet and wiping off his pants. He continued. "Romano is Elliot's main distributor when it comes to importing his drugs in. You need proof that I'm done with Elliot? Here it is. You get Romano and the shipment he's bringing in and you ruin Elliot's whole system. When it gets back to him that his system is ruined, he'll have no choice but to handle things himself which makes him vulnerable and puts him out in the open. That way it makes it easier for you to catch him."

Mason was interested now, his distrust melting into something akin to excitement.

Then back to distrust.

"This is a trap."

"It's not. I'll tell you everything you want to know about Romano and his connections with Elliot. I told you, I'm done with Elliot and I'll prove it one way or another."

And yet, Cyan was only partially telling the truth. He didn't want Elliot getting caught and yet he needed something to prove to Mason that he was on the police's side. So he chose Romano.

See, Romano was a main distributor, yes, but he wasn't the only one. Elliot's empire consisted up of levels upon sub-levels with those sub-levels having different sections based on district and what the level was in charge of. The kicker? There was a 'main' distributor for every single section and sub-level. Elliot had hundreds of main distributor and Romano was only important to Elliot when it came to soft level drugs such as marijuana. Not only that but Romano didn't oversee all of the soft drug shipments.

Just one shipment a month, and that shipment was coming up.

If Cyan were to help the police bust this shipment, it wouldn't hurt Elliot too bad. He would be ticked, sure, but he would get over it.

Besides, Elliot was the one that wanted him to get along with the police.

"He runs a vape shop downtown. If you get him, you get Elliot's shipment and leave him vulnerable. Elliot's powerful but he's only as powerful as the system he runs."

Mason thought this over, tapping his finger against the counter before scraping the stool and standing up. "I need to go make a phone call," he stated, grabbing Ashely's phone from right beside him and heading towards the living room.

"I remember you now."

Cyan raised a brow towards Ashely as she spoke, watching as she moved from beside the door frame to walk closer to him. What was she talking about? The first time Cyan had even seen her face was when he has woken up to her talking with Mason.

"I don't know you." He replied curtly.

"You don't," she agreed but continued on. "But I've been racking my brain trying to figure out where I know you from and I finally remember. You were so much younger and so quiet and they didn't give us much information on you when you came in but it was after that incident."

Cyan narrowed his eyes at her, his fingers twitching before he crossed his arms.

"You were one of the nurses?"

Ashely nodded slowly before going on. "I saw when your mom came. She was so upset when she came up to your bedside but you were asleep so she didn't even try to wake you up. She was just sobbing. Sobbing and apologizing and crying about having to leave you."


"And when she left, you woke right up and screamed for her. You were faking the entire time. You didn't want to have her face her crying, because, in the end, you cried too."

"Why are you bringing this up?" Cyan seethed, taking steps towards the woman until he was in her face. "You don't fucking care, no matter how much you can fake it, so here's an idea. Don't fucking bring up anything about my past. Don't talk about me, don't talk about that incident and don't fucking talk about my mother. You know nothing."

The woman was persistent though and that's what Cyan hated about her.

"Your mom wouldn't want to see you destroy yourself."

And without thinking, he shoved the woman hard into the fridge, his hand aching to go around her neck but refraining from it. The noise was loud but apparently not loud enough for Mason who was upstairs somewhere.

"Mind your damn business."

And with that, Cyan didn't stay for the women to say anything else, heading back towards the living room.


"If I'm helping you, I have the right to ask for a favor," Cyan said, sitting on the couch in the living room as Mason had come back downstairs with the phone in his hand. He raised a brow, stepping off the last step.

"You do not."

"I can feel the withdrawal coming back."

Mason's attitude changed slightly. "We're getting you methadone for that, it should help ease the pain of it."

"But how long is that gonna take? I need something right now, even its something as small as weed. I need something to relax on, I'm stuck in this house, Elliot fucking left me, and my anxiety is going through the roof. I. Need. Something."

Mason didn't like the idea, that much was evident, but he also remembered what Ashely had told him about taking Cyan off cold turkey. He sighed. "If you're not lying about this drug bust and if it goes as planned, then we have a deal." He agreed, causing Cyan to relax back on the couch.

"Is Ashely still here?" Mason asked.


Mason nodded, heading back in the kitchen where Ashely was sitting on the barstool tapping a pen against the counter. When she saw Mason, she stood up.

"How're your injuries?" She asked, causing Mason to remember why he had to pop three Tylenol earlier for the ache that ran through his body. He wanted to be pissed off at Cyan, but after finding out why Elliot had come to the house, he could only direct his anger towards the drug lord.

"I'm fine, or at least I will be." He handed the woman her phone seeing that she was distracted by something. Not that he had to ask because she spoke first.

"Mason I can't help you with this case with you. I can get you the methadone but after that, I can't do anything else."

What? Mason just stared at her confused.

"Is this the whole ethics thing?"

"Kinda." She sighed and grabbed her car keys. "I'll see you later Mason, I have to get to work soon." 

And with that, Ashely left without another word.

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