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"Mommy, I'm scared. Please don't leave me here alone."



Oct. 15th

I visited Carter for the first time since I left home.

He punched me.
Then...he hugged me.

It felt nice.



Over the couple of years that Cyan had been using drugs, he had woken up in many places. One time, he had woken up in the middle of an alleyway, his shirt and shoes nowhere to be found and his skin smelling of alcohol mixed with garbage. Or maybe that was coming off of the trash bags that he had been cuddling up too. It wasn't one of his proudest moments in life but it emphasized that while he was drugged, he could end up anywhere.

Even in handcuffs on a bed that didn't belong to him.

"What the hell..." Cyan said slowly, sitting up and looking around the unfamiliar room. Clean white walls were barely filled with any pictures, a large TV hanging in front of him that currently playing some game show. The room itself also seemed bare, only containing the bed that he currently laid on and a nightstand with a lamp. That was it.

Cyan coughed hard into his hands, looking at the metal cuffs with disdain. Was this some type of joke? Had he ended up in some bedroom of a kinky sadist? Cyan shifted to double check, not feeling the familiar ache in his backside that came along with rough sex, so either the person had been gentle or he hadn't been fucked. He did still have his clothes on.

Slowly, he moved off of the bed and onto the warm carpet beneath him, eyeing his surroundings before finding the closed door towards the left of him. Though, he didn't need the door at the moment. He needed these cuffs off. The first place that Cyan had thought to look was the nightstand but was annoyed to see that there was nothing in the drawers. Not even a penny. So he went on to the closet, to find that completely empty too. It was as if someone had emptied the entire room on purpose and it pissed Cyan off. The cuffs would just have to come later, Cyan concluded mbefore going to the door and opening it slightly.

He didn't like what he was faced with though.

Two officers stood a couple feet away from the door in full uniform, talking quietly to each other and occasionally pointing towards the room that Cyan was in. The sight made Cyan's heart speed up, closing the door back but straining against the wood to hear what they were talking about.

"Richard, I'll be fine. How many times do I have to say that." The obvious younger one said tiredly, a small silence passing through them.

"I'm just saying that if anything goes wrong for any reason, call me. If you're really fine though, start working on ways to actually get a testimony. You're gonna have to be smart about this Mason, any wrong move and we could all be dead. No pressure though."

Mason snorted, the sound of footsteps coming closer reaching Cyan's ears. "Yeah, but I got this, just try to keep this under wraps."

The moment that Mason had finished speaking that sentence, the door that he was standing by had opened quickly, successfully hitting him in his face and shoving him down to his ass.

"Fucking bitch!" Cyan spat out in pain, bringing his hands up to his nose and rubbing it. Mason's eyes locked with his, worry in the older male's at Cyan's sudden injury.

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