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You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law


It was late.

Too late.

Later than the young officer should've allowed himself to stay and yet he had anyways, not realizing that the clock on his computer screen had changed from ten to eleven in what seemed like seconds and the noise from the roads had quieted for the night. It was late and yet the male was wide awake and straining his eyes within the dimmed office at a couple of files that he was trying to make sense of. They were files that he looked over every night. Files that he practically memorized and still studied them as if something would pop out and change its case.


The officer barely heard his name being called out as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration, flipping through papers quickly before getting so fed up with the same information he had seen a thousand times and shutting the file. He dragged his hands down his face and finally looked up at the other male that had spoken his name.

"Richard," he replied tiredly, watching as the older man eyed the closed folder.

"It's late. Maybe you should be at home."

"And do what? Lie in an empty house watching paid programming until I fall asleep? I can't waste my time like that, I need to be working."

Richard frowned, walking over to Mason and placing his hands down on the desk. "Maybe get a decent night's rest for a change?" He suggested. When Mason didn't answer him, staring down intently at the file, he sighed. "Or come with me at least? I'm going out on patrol."

Mason finally looked up, sitting up straighter to stretch his back before agreeing with a nod. "Yeah, just let me go and get my jacket."


Mason enjoyed his job. He enjoyed putting bad guys behind bars and watching them receive the retribution that they deserved. He lived for the justice that he helped enforce with every arrest and every sentencing. He loved it all. But sometimes, he hated it all at the same time. He hated it when he couldn't figure out a case. When those cases seemed to hit a dead end at every lead and the persons are still free to do whatever they wanted. When they were still stealing and murdering and committing the most heinous of crimes. It frustrated Mason to the point where he was growing grey hair that he just wanted to rip out.

It was too much for him to only be twenty-three.

"You know nothing ever happens when I'm on patrol. The highlights of my nights are stopping kids from vandalizing schools or seeing some random drunk acting like an idiot in the streets. Do I get any action? No." Mason listened as Richard continued to complain about how boring his life was as his eyes followed over the folder he had brought with him. It was one of the cases that continued to hit a dead end at every lead.

Elliot Castellani and his drug empire. He was notorious for his ability to outsmart the police and keep his hands clean by using his workers. Unfortunately for the workers, they were expendable- pawns to Elliot's game- and when they were close to getting caught, he killed them off with no remorse. He didn't care about anyone. He had no friends, no family, and he didn't give a single damn about the people under him.

Deliriumजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें